1BLK logo

For any web pages that require co-branding messaging, we provide different logo “toppers” that tie the respective brand identity with the component being introduced. This helps visually separate out the new brand being highlighted.

These come in two variations which are specified below, and all brand color options to ensure it matches the specific component color-scheme chosen.

PRO TIP: Use the same matching 1BLK logo background color option as the component being used, and ensure the correct divider line option is being implemented (see the rules below).


Publishing? View the DCR guidebook for detailed instructions.

Paragraph-2,One Blk Logo-1,Paragraph-3,Paragraph-4
Paragraph-5,One Blk Logo-2,Paragraph-6,Paragraph-7

Full width divider

The full-width divider option automatically places a 12-column wide, 3 pixel divider line under the brand logo. This helps introduce the brand, while visually separating it out from the component it is locked to. This component must always be used on top of the specific brand component it is associated to.

Use this appearance for any component that doesn't have a top-aligned image (i.e. image that touches the top of the component background container).


These are samples of when to use the full-width divider appearance.

full-width line

Rules and recommendations

full width rules
1BLK logo
A: Backgrounds: iShares Purple, iShares Gray, iShares Blue, iShares Green, iShares Pink

B: Logo:
• Built in to component — nothing necessary to deliver to publishing

C: Divider:
• Full 12-column divider —OR— 5-column divider options

Do’s & Don’ts

Always ensure you use the same matching 1BLK logo background color option as the component being used.

iShares logo dos

Do. Match 1BLK logo background appearance to the main iShares component

iShares logo dont

Don’t. Don’t ever place the logo underneath the brand component

iShares logo dont

Don’t. Don’t mix different color backgrounds.


Half width divider

The half-width divider option automatically places a 5-column wide, 3 pixel divider line under the brand logo. This helps introduce the brand, while visually separating it out from the component it is locked to. This component must always be used on top of the specific brand component it is associated to.

Use this appearance for any component that has a top-aligned or full-bleed image (i.e. image that touches the top of the component background container).


These are samples of when to use the half-width divider appearance.

Half line example

Rules and recommendations

Half line rules and recommendations
1BLK logo
A: Backgrounds: iShares Purple, iShares Gray, iShares Blue, iShares Green, iShares Pink

B: Logo:
• Built in to component — nothing necessary to deliver to publishing

C: Divider:
• Full 12-column divider —OR— 5-column divider options

Do’s & Don’ts

Always ensure you use the same matching 1BLK logo background color option as the component being used.

iShares logo dos

Do. Use the half-divider option whenever you have a top-aligned image

iShares logo dont

Don’t. Don’t ever place the logo underneath the brand component

iShares logo dont

Don’t. Don’t mix different color backgrounds.