Character count cheat-sheet

On this page you can find character counts for our MVP components. The purpose of this page is to help users easily find a consolidated set of character counts for the most used components. In an attempt to simplify, we are not providing every detail of the component, so always refer back to each respective component page for all the necessary specs and rules.


  • Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please test your content with your publisher prior to release.
  • Some components have a main “intro” headline + sub-headline. It is best to refer to each components rules to see what is being referred to as to not cause confusion.


Component Eyebrow Headline Body
Hero CTA 35 70 350

Navigation 35 70 350

Standard 35 70 N/A

Content organization

Component Tab label Eyebrow Headline Sub-headline Body
Body tabs
2-3 tabs 68 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 tabs 45 N/A N/A N/A N/A
5 tabs 34 N/A N/A N/A N/A
6 tabs 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Component Tab label Eyebrow Headline Sub-headline Body
Full width - Main intro N/A N/A 70 N/A 350
Key points N/A N/A 70 70 200
Paragraph N/A N/A 70 N/A 750


Component Eyebrow Headline Body/Intro
CTA w/ image (Sm/Md/Lg appearances) N/A 70 350

Dynamic article list 35 70 250

Eloqua form N/A 45 195

Featured article
Main tile 35 75 140
Cross-sell tile 35 85 N/A

Multi-column teaser
Main Intro N/A 70 350
Topic N/A 60 175

Related content
Features 35 70 350
Link list 35 N/A 45/link - max 5 links

Related material
Main intro (Across all appearances) N/A 70 350
Content tile 35 70 N/A
Link tile 35 70 30/link - max 5 links