Event / Webinar banner

The Event / Webinar banner is used to convey high-level information about upcoming events and webinars, as well as previously aired webinars that are available for replay. The primary function is to drive users to a registration page or video replay.

Engage users by keeping headlines short, descriptive, and by creating a very clear call-to-action that directs them to take the next step.


Managing bonds at record low rates

We share strategies to help you meet clients’ fixed income goals during a period of record low rates.


Experts will cover:


  • How the Quality Factor can help you seek outperformance
  • Implementing Factor ETFs alongside active and index investments
  • How the Quality Factor can help you seek outperformance
  • Implementing Factor ETFs alongside active and index investment

Rules and recommendations

Event + Webinar Rules
A: Backgrounds: 2 color options: BLK_Black, BLK_White with optional top/bottom border

B: Eyebrow (optional): Character count: 35*

C: Headline:
• Character count before text gets cut off: 70*
• Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

D: Description (optional):
• Character count before text gets cut off: 150*
• Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

E: Talking points bulleted list (optional):
• List header character count: 35*
• Character count per bullet: 125* (recommended - no hard coded limit)
• 4 bullets max (recommended - no hard coded limit)

F: Image
• Recommended image size: 718x367px graphic (JPG/PNG) to accommodate responsive layouts
• Image automatically scales and maintains aspect ratio
• All image assets must be optimized for the web: <300kb

G: Date, time and location
• Webinar / event date and time. Must be input manually
• Additional location details (i.e. venue name and address) are able to be included for in-person events. Also manually input
• 5 background color options: BLK_Black, BLK_White, BLK_Orange, BLK_Yellow, BLK_Pink

• Prompts user to “Register now” or “View replay”

I: Share functionality (optional)
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release


Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we stacked a few components together to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.

* NOTE: These examples are static images due to technical limitations of 1 banner per page. These examples are scaled for easier viewing.

white black
black orange
white orange
black yellow
white yellow
black pink
white pink

Color pairing

When building event or webinar pages there is generally a section for the featured speakers. It is our recommendation that the choice of background color for these sections either be the same as the date, time and location box, or one of the neutral tones (BLK_Black, BLK_White, BLK_Neutral 1).

event webinar do

Do. Match featured speaker background to the background of date, time and location box.

event webinar do

Do. Use one of the BLK neutral tones for the featured speaker background.

event webinar dont

Don’t. Use different colors for the Time, date and location box and the featured speakers component.