Featured article (vi16 )

Our Featured article component has two main appearance options depending on your page / content needs:

  1. A “default” appearance that is best suited to highlight an important, timely article or insight from our strategists and portfolio managers. It comes with a built-in “marketing / ad” tile that should be used to drive the user to the latest podcast, announcement, or related topic.
  2. Our new “brand” appearance that is best suited to help continue to drive your users along a specific related journey, and should sit at the bottom of your marketing pages. Think of it as “what’s next” content, along with helpful links to engage the user to additional useful, relevant content.


Publishing? View the DCR guidebook for detailed instructions.

Paragraph-2,Featured Article-1,Paragraph-3,Advance Static Table-1,Paragraph-4,Featured Article-2,Dynamic Article List-1
Paragraph-5,Featured Article-3,Paragraph-6,Advance Static Table-2,Paragraph-7,Featured Article-4,Featured Article-5
Paragraph-8,Featured Article-6,Paragraph-9,Advance Static Table-3,Paragraph-10,Featured Article-7,Featured Article-8

Featured article (default )

The “default” appearance is best suited to highlight an important, timely article or insight from our strategists and portfolio managers. It comes with a built-in “marketing / ad” tile that should be used to drive the user to the latest podcast, announcement, or related topic.

Keep in mind that this component is a manually updated component, so you should always maintain up-to-date content, and refreshed regularly with the latest thought-pieces.

We recommend using this primarily on insight hub pages, and should always be paired with our Dynamic article component.

  • Both the “featured” article and the “marketing” tile are one component. You can not remove the tile, or alter its color
  • All main appearances have the ability to remove component-level top padding on or off
    • See example here
    • Note: Use this is to solve “double” padding issues when stacking similar colored components together which may cause large gaps to appear, and get pre-approval for guidance from the Design Platform team


Listen to The Bid – BlackRock’s investment podcast

Rules and recommendations

featured article rules image
Component element Optional element Rules
A: Background color options
  • BLK_White with black marketing tile only
B: Eyebrow  
  •  Eyebrow character count: ~35*
C: Headline
  • Headline character count: ~70* (recommended)
  • No hard coded limit, but please keep these short and consice (or replicate the article title you are driving to)
D: Date / Author
  • Manaul input - please provide publication date and author
E: Body copy
  • Body copy character count: ~140* then truncates
  • CTA should be tertiary link
  • Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
G: Marketing tile Eyebrow  
  • Eyebrow character count: ~35*
H: Marketing tile headline
  • Headline character count: ~70* (recommended)
  • No hard coded limit, but please keep these short and consice
  • CTA should be tertiary link
  • Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

Recommended usage

As mentioned above, we recommend using this primarily on insight hub pages, and should always be paired with our Dynamic article component. Below is an example of what this would look like on your marketing pages.


Listen to The Bid – BlackRock’s investment podcast

Featured article (BlackRock brand )

The “BlackRock” appearance is best suited to help continue to drive your users along a specific related journey, and should sit at the bottom of your marketing pages. Think of it as “what’s next” content, along with helpful links to engage the user to additional useful, relevant content.

A few key features include:

  • Add an optional Large font size headline with intro blurb
  • Include hyperlinks in your optional intro blurb
  • Display a single “featured” article or two “featured” articles; both with a link list tile
  • All main appearances have the ability to remove component-level top padding on or off
    • See example here
    • Note: Use this is to solve “double” padding issues when stacking similar colored components together which may cause large gaps to appear, and get pre-approval for guidance from the Design Platform team

Rules and recommendations

Rules and recommendations
Component element Optional element Rules
A: Background color options
  • BLK_Black
  • BLK_White
  • BLK_Neutral
B: Eyebrow  
  •  Eyebrow character count: ~35*
C: Headline
  • Headline character count: ~70*
D: Body copy
  • Body copy character count: ~350*
  • CTA should be tertiary link
  • Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
F: Link list
  • • Optional: Eyebrow
  • Character count: ~30* per link (Recommended, not hard coded)
  • Minimum of 2 links required / Maximum 5 links
  • Tile color choice: BLK_White only
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we stacked a few components together to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.

Featured article (BlackRock brand )

The “BlackRock” appearance is best suited to help continue to drive your users along a specific related journey, and should sit at the bottom of your marketing pages. Think of it as “what’s next” content, along with helpful links to engage the user to additional useful, relevant content.

A few key features include:

  • Add an optional Large font size headline with intro blurb
  • Include hyperlinks in your optional intro blurb
  • Display a single “featured” article or two “featured” articles; both with a link list tile
  • All main appearances have the ability to remove component-level top padding on or off
    • See example here
    • Note: Use this is to solve “double” padding issues when stacking similar colored components together which may cause large gaps to appear, and get pre-approval for guidance from the Design Platform team

Rules and recommendations

Rules and recommendations
Component element Optional element Rules
A: Background color options
  • BLK_Black
  • BLK_White
  • BLK_Neutral
B: Eyebrow  
  •  Eyebrow character count: ~35*
C: Headline
  • Headline character count: ~70*
D: Body copy
  • Body copy character count: ~350*
  • CTA should be tertiary link
  • Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
F: Link list
  • • Optional: Eyebrow
  • Character count: ~30* per link (Recommended, not hard coded)
  • Minimum of 2 links required / Maximum 5 links
  • Tile color choice: BLK_White only
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release

Alternate variations

To help you visualize different possible layouts and background colors, we stacked a few components together to give you a more clear understanding of how this could look.