Author Bio

(vi16-content/Bio in teamsite)


Author biographies give users more detailed information about a writer, team leader(s), etc., allowing them to connect on a more personal level. You can also use this to showcase thought-leaders, team members, or highlight profiles of BlackRock employees (i.e. Board members page). They can be used at the bottom of an insight page so users can explore more about each contributor while not interrupting the focus of the piece of content. We have multiple layout options & key features available to help you achieve your content needs:

  • Add an optional large (H2) or medium size (H3) headline with intro blurb
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 column layouts with no limit to how many author/contributors you can add
  • Ability to turn component-level top padding on or off
    • Note: Use this is to solve “double” padding issues when stacking similar colored components together which may cause large gaps to appear, and get pre-approval for guidance from the Design Platform team


Publishing? View the DCR guidebook for detailed instructions.

Standard - single column

Use this appearance when there is only one main author of the page content. You can stack multiple bios in one column as many times as needed. Keep in mind the length of your page when stacking more than 2 authors in this appearance, especially on mobile devices.

We recommend using the Standard / 2-column, 3-column layouts for more than 1 single author to keep the page length more condensed.

Single primary author example

This 1 column option allows for continued stacking down the page. For example, 2 authors, 3 authors, etc. would continue to stack down the single column structure.

Kate Moore
Head of Thematic Strategy, BlackRock Global Allocation Team
Kate Moore, Managing Director, is a member of the Global Allocation investment team and Head of Thematic Strategy. Her investment mandate includes identifying opportunities to exploit structural change, policy evolution, and dislocations across global industries. She is a member of the Human Capital Committee.   Ms. Moore's service with the firm ...

Standard - Multiple column

Use this appearance when there is multiple authors. You have the option of 2, 3, or 4 column layouts, & each layout can be stack as many times as you need.

Note: Our 4-column layout does not allow for profile descriptions. Profile image, name, title, and optional twitter handle only.

Standard 2 column example

This 2 column option allows for continued stacking down the page. For example, 3 authors, 4 authors, etc. would continue to stack down the 2 column structure.

Scott Thiel
Chief Fixed Income Strategist
Scott Thiel, Managing Director, is Chief Fixed Income Strategist for BlackRock and a member of the BlackRock Investment Institute (BII). He is responsible for developing and delivering thought leadership on asset allocation, including actionable global fixed income market views based on the insights of our investment community. Mr. Thiel represents ...
Kate Moore
Head of Thematic Strategy, BlackRock Global Allocation Team
Kate Moore, Managing Director, is a member of the Global Allocation investment team and Head of Thematic Strategy. Her investment mandate includes identifying opportunities to exploit structural change, policy evolution, and dislocations across global industries. She is a member of the Human Capital Committee.   Ms. Moore's service with the firm ...

Standard 3 column example

This 3 column option allows for continued stacking down the page. For example, 4 authors, 5 authors, etc. would continue to stack down the 3 column structure.

Russ Koesterich
Managing Director and portfolio manager
Russ Koesterich, CFA, JD, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is a member of the Global Allocation team. Mr. Koesterich's service with the firm dates back to 2005.
Rachel Lord
Managing Director
Rachel Lord, Senior Managing Director, is BlackRock's Chair and Head of Asia Pacific, as well as a member of the Global Executive Committee.
Kate Moore
Head of Thematic Strategy
Kate Moore, Managing Director, is a member of the Global Allocation investment team and Head of Thematic Strategy. She is a member of the Human Capital Committee.

Featured author with contributors

In this appearance, you have the option of one single “featured” author, along with smaller profiles for contributors to the article. This layout automatically adjusts to the amount of sub-contributors you add (i.e. 2 column, 3 column, and maxes to 4 column before it stacks).

Note: This appearance does not allow for profile descriptions for contributors. Profile image, name, title, and optional twitter handle only, along with optional CTA. If you do not add a CTA, the contributors name can by hyperlinked to their bio page.

Rules and recommendations

Note: The rules below don’t change between appearances. The only note is that our 4-column layout does not allow for profile descriptions.

reference bio 1


Component element Optional element Rules
A: Background color options
  • • BLK_White (optional top/bottom border)
  • • BLK_Neutral
  • • BLK_Black
  • • BLK_Orange
B: Headline & intro blurb
  • • Headline character count: ~70*
  • • Large (40px Extrabold) = H2  — or —  Medium (32px Bold) = H3 headline size option
  • • Intro blurb character count: ~350*
  • • Intro blurb can include hyperlink
  • • Can have headline without the intro blurb
C: Author biography
  • • Default — Profile image, title, & descriptions are all pulled in dynamically from Bio page
  • • If inserting content manually, you must provide the profile image asset, name, title, description
  • • Can stack as many Authors as needed — will continue to stack down the single column
D: Profile image
  • • Default — Profile picture is pulled in dynamically from Bio page
  • • If pulling content manually, you must provide the profile image asset
  • • Image dimensions: 200x200px for 2 column appearance, 125x125px for 3 & 4 column appearances
E: Title & Social media handle
  • • Default — Name & title/role are dynamically pulled in from bio page, or can be manually inserted
  • • Optional: Social media handle — Only allows for Twitter, & you must provide URL for twitter account(s)
  • • Can have title only, social media handle only, or both
F: Profile description
  • • Default — Dynamically pulled in from bio page, or can be manually inserted
  • • Space is limited, so if the author’s professional title is included with their name you may want to avoid repeating it in the blurb. Use this space to tell the reader something about the author’s experience, expertise, and interests.
  • • Character count before truncates: ~350*
G: Component CTA
  • CTA is hard coded as our tertiary link
  • NOTE: If leave CTA field blank in DCR, the author name will automatically become a link to author's biography page
  • • Available for every appearance (even 4-column)
  • • Keep these "digital" friendly; i.e. short descriptors
*NOTE: Due to varying alphabets and character widths, please ensure your publisher tests this prior to release