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Centro de eventos de BlackRock

Descubre nuestro centro de la serie de perspectivas, donde periódicamente encontrarás lo último en macroeconomía, renta fija, renta variable, mercados privados y la construcción de carteras, lo que te brinda información privilegiada sobre todas nuestras ideas más recientes.

Capital en riesgo. El valor de las inversiones y las rentas derivadas de ellas pueden disminuir o aumentar y no están garantizados. Los inversores pueden no recuperar íntegramente su inversión inicial.

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Próximos eventos

Eventos a la carta

Nuestros seminarios web abarcan el liderazgo intelectual, las perspectivas y actualizaciones macroeconómicas brindadas por estrategas de inversión para ayudar a los inversores a profundizar en las oportunidades alineadas con sus preferencias y objetivos de inversión.*

Algunos seminarios web se pueden utilizar como parte de tu Desarrollo Profesional Continuo. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para solicitar tu certificación.

  • Todos
  • Equities
  • Macro
  • Sustainable & Transition
  • Portfolio construction
  • Private Markets
  • Fixed Income
  • 2 people hanging on ropes

    Update on market volatility and investment implications

    09 ago 2024
    Watch the replay for a timely webcast on the latest macro developments, market moves and implications for investors. We discussed the recent market moves with a focus on Japan, the yen, the volatility in US tech stocks, and geopolitical developments.
  • A datacenter room

    EMEA Midyear Global Outlook Client Webinar

    11 jul 2024
    Financial markets are adjusting to an environment of persistent inflation and higher interest rates as the global economy undergoes profound changes. Watch the replay and hear the BlackRock Investment Institute discuss opportunities for H2.
  • A highroad with several roads

    Decoding the Markets: Global easing, elections and emerging markets

    02 jul 2024
    Watch the replay of our Decoding the Markets Webcast, where our Systematic investors will analyse alternative data to gain a clearer understanding of the market’s direction and examine the effects of global policy changes, election outcomes and more.
  • The point event banner
    Private Markets

    The Point: Unlocking Private Markets with ELTIF 2.0

    02 jul 2024
    In the recent episode of 'The Point' we have unlocked private markets and discussed how the updated European Long-Term Investment Fund regulation (ELTIF 2.0) is poised to enhance access to private markets for both wealth and institutional investors.
  • Children in a pool

    Tactical views for Changing markets

    06 jun 2024
    Investors are coping with a lot of uncertainty this year. Sticky inflation. Higher macro and market volatility. Major dispersion in earnings and returns. When uncertainty is the only certainty, it’s time for investors to fine-tune their approach.
  • The point event banner
    Fixed Income

    The Point: Positioning Fixed Income Portfolios for Rate Cuts

    21 may 2024
    Watch the replay of our recent 'The Point' Webcast on positioning fixed income portfolios for rate cuts, we heard from BlackRock’s expert panel on the impending central bank rate cuts globally, including the ECB.
  • A skater
    Portfolio construction

    Think differently about Income, take an active approach with ETFs

    18 abr 2024
    Watch the replay and hear from the team behind the iShares equity high income ETF range as they deep dive into key benefits of incorporating these strategies as a core component of your portfolio, the investment process and client use cases.
  • F1 car in the box

    EMEA Q2 BII Outlook Client Webinar

    26 mar 2024
    Watch the replay and hear from BlackRock Investment Institute’s senior strategist and senior portfolio managers across BlackRock on the role for alpha-seeking strategies, and harnessing mega forces to capitalize on opportunities.
  • A person walking on a path with trees
    Fixed Income

    It's a fixed income era: Insights from the experts

    07 mar 2024
    A defining moment in fixed income investing is occurring and the opportunity is profound. We see opportunities to capture the peak in yields through high quality bonds, or to take advantage of rising dispersion through selective exposure.
  • Image a man and a woman sitting around a table
    Portfolio construction

    Portfolio Constructors' Series: Alpha-generation for long-term growth

    26 feb 2024
    Set-and-forget portfolio approaches may not perform as well in this more volatile macro and market regime. Does greater uncertainty mean there’s more reward for investment insight and skill? Are skilled managers delivering more alpha in this regime?
  • The point event banner
    Private Markets

    2024 Private Markets Outlook: Potential Opportunities in Mega Forces

    18 ene 2024
    Mega forces drive macroeconomic volatility, altering long-term growth and inflation. They cause major shifts in profitability across economies and sectors, creating potential opportunities and risks for investors.
  • The point event banner
    Sustainable & Transition

    Unpacking Potential Investment Opportunities in the Climate Transition

    07 dic 2023
    The transition to a low-carbon economy is among a handful of major structural shifts that we see rewiring economies, sectors and businesses, therefore impacting clients' portfolios.
  • F1 car in a box

    2024 BII Outlook Client Call

    06 dic 2023
    Investment opportunities differ in this economic climate. Achieving portfolio outcomes needs a detailed, agile approach, leveraging mega forces - structural changes impacting returns now and in the future.

*el contenido a la carta podría estar desactualizado en el momento de su visualización.

Centro de perspectivas

Descubre nuestro centro de la serie de perspectivas, donde periódicamente encontrarás lo último de nuestros estrategas de inversión, investigadores y gestores de cartera. Estas abarcan la macroeconomía, la renta fija, la renta variable, los mercados privados y la construcción de carteras, lo que te brinda información