BlackRock Managed Accounts
Model Evaluator tool
Your trusted investment partner of choice
Model Portfolios provide managed investment solutions for you and your clients. With a range of cost-effective investment options, and catering for different risk appetites, they allow you to meet your client financial goals while providing you with more time to build your client relationships and grow your business.
Help your clients whilst helping scale your business
Constructed across a range of funds, with multiple risk profiles and available as Separately Managed Accounts, Model Portfolios offer a diversified managed solution that aims to help your clients achieve a better outcome.
Model Portfolios can also help to transform your practice, allowing you more time for client education and business growth.
Why Partner with BlackRock for Model Portfolios
Our Model Portfolios are managed by an experienced local investment team, that leverage the depth and breadth of BlackRock’s global resources.
Our Model Portfolios are constructed with high quality and cost-efficient investments, built using the world’s leading risk management technology, Aladdin.
Learn how advisers use Model Portfolios
Our Model Portfolios are designed to be scalable and adaptable to your preferred investment philosophy, and your clients' financial goals.
Advisers achieve success through purchasing as a standalone portfolio, mixing and matching our models with other model managers, and as a core foundation so they can pursue high conviction ideas.
Use our Model Portfolios to help grow your business
Utilising our Model Portfolios is a key step to providing you with more valuable time to grow your business.
As your investment partner, BlackRock will help you on this journey through our practice management education modules, designed to help you build your business with existing clients and grow your business to reach new clients.
Explore our latest commentary and resources
Enhanced Strategic Model Portfolios
Portfolio name | Research Rating | Trading Platforms | Latest Rebalance and Performance Commentary | More Information | ||||
Portfolio nameEnhanced Strategic Model Portfolio | Research Rating |
Trading PlatformsAMP North BT Panorama CFS Wrap CFS Edge HUB24 Insignia Expand Macquarie Wrap Mason Stevens Netwealth Praemium |
Latest Rebalance and Performance Commentary
View our latest rebalance update video |
More Information
Enhanced Strategic Model Portfolio Flyer |
Managed by a team of professionals
Guided by a team of experienced investment experts, our sole focus is to deliver well-built and cost-effective managed portfolios in a diversified, defined, and streamlined manner.