Contact us

We'd love to hear from you. Our team is always eager to assist. Simply select the business unit that best fits your needs from the list below, and we'll make sure your inquiry reaches the right person to help you out.

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Investor services

For general enquiries, or if you have questions or comments about our range of managed funds or iShares ETFs, please reach out via the details below.

DepartmentsEmailTelephone/FaxPostal Mail
DepartmentsClient Services Centre Telephone/FaxTelephone: 1300 366 100
Fax: 1300 366 107
You can call the Client Services Centre between 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Standard time to speak to an investor services representative.
Postal MailBlackRock Investment Management Australia Limited PO Box N43 Grosvenor Place Sydney NSW 1220
DepartmentsiShares Telephone/FaxTelephone: 1300 474 273
You can call the Client Services Centre between 8:30am and 7:00pm, Monday to Friday, Australian Eastern Standard time to speak to an investor services representative. Our automated voice system is available 24 hours a day to assist with common enquiries. Alternatively, the Computershare website offers a range of services for security holders. If you are outside of Australia, call +61 3 9415 4695.
Postal MailiShares c/- BlackRock Investment Management Australia Limited PO Box N43 Grosvenor Place Sydney NSW 1220
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Note: Due to securities regulations, we cannot send any information to investors outside of Australia. Please visit our Document Library page to download iShares fund prospectuses, monthly performance, and literature; or visit the Fund Information page to access fund data.

We treat all correspondence as private and confidential. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.