Seek true diversification with upside potential

The Global Equity Market Neutral fund (BDMIX) has delivered upside participation with low correlations to equities in 2024. Learn more about why advisors are choosing BDMIX for true diversification.
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To 50/30/20 and beyond

Adding a strategic allocation to alternatives can help diversify your portfolio. We have the tools and resources to help you conceptualize and implement allocations based on your client needs.
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A new regime requires a new toolkit

Increased volatility and positive correlations between stocks and bonds have created a need for more diversification in portfolios. Alternative strategies can help build resiliency by seeking returns from differentiated sources.

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There are better portfolios out there

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Seek to diversify

Alternative funds can help provide an alternative source of diversification to traditional fixed income, while also being lowly correlated to equity markets.

Seek to amplify

Private markets have historically delivered attractive risk-adjusted returns.3 Tap into new opportunities for individual investors to access private markets.

Uncertainty creates opportunity

Elevated volatility in fixed income and more macroeconomic dispersion have created new opportunity in alternative strategies. Look for true diversification without sacrificing potential returns.

Why BlackRock for alternatives?

Our US$327 billion platform seeks to deliver outperformance with true partnership across a range of investment solutions. We continue to innovate, leveraging our technology, our scale and our fiduciary model to better serve advisors.
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Access to vast opportunities
Our investment teams and dedicated 60+ person centralized sourcing team fuel our dual-pronged approach to sourcing top opportunities.
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Greater transparency
100,000 unique companies and 50,000 unique properties.4
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An integrated view
We provide you with a whole portfolio view so you have a deeper understanding of how alternatives impact the rest of your clients’ portfolios.
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A new standard of alignment
Our firm-wide network of professionals works to understand investor needs– and deliver our best use of skill, scale and technology to help clients achieve their goals.

See how alternatives fit in your portfolio

Run an analysis on Expected Return Analyzer to see how alternative strategies can help your clients generate income, increase return, or reduce risk in portfolios.
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Analyze investments within a portfolio context in minutes

With the 360 Evaluator, you can add your latest ideas to an existing portfolio, create a new portfolio, or browse our models to get started.
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Want to know more?

Connect with our alternatives specialists with any questions.