Models & SMAs
Expected Return Analyzer lets you test your client portfolios against forward-looking projections and measure how they stack up against your targeted returns. If portfolios aren’t meeting expectations, explore potential ways to improve them.
Choose an already saved portfolio or create a new portfolio from scratch. Let’s select a saved portfolio. First, select the appropriate goal. Generate income, increase return, or reduce risk. Then choose a target return from the dropdown. Click “Apply” and you’ll be shown more about the portfolio’s projected performance so you can analyze any gap between expected and target return.
The first black line, shows the expected return, using Blackrock’s 10-year capital market assumptions. The second black line shows the target return previously selected. The gray bar in between represents the gap. Scroll down to see portfolio analytics including asset class details, estimated risk, return and more.
When ready, select ‘Next’ to explore hypothetical portfolios that can potentially help narrow the return gap. Review what’s being added and where it’s sourced from. Select one of the proposed portfolios and scroll to see how the allocation, projected growth and potential reactions to market events compare to your existing portfolio.
Select ‘Next’ to see the proposed portfolio’s expected return reflected in the chart and dive further into which funds and holdings have been added to your proposed portfolio. You can also edit the asset allocation and product selection, to further customize the results.
To continue the analysis, save the new portfolio and send it to 360° Evaluator. Once there, you will be able to generate a client-friendly report that can help enhance client conversations.
Delivering on your clients’ goals is critical to your success. With Expected Return Analyzer, explore more ways to help narrow any potential gaps and help clients achieve their goals.
Delivering on your clients’ goals is critical to your success. The Expected Return Analyzer identifies how your portfolio stacks up against your targeted return and highlights potential gaps. Learn more about how exposures to alternatives can help narrow the gap to achieve better outcomes or analyze your existing alternative allocations.
There’s more than one way to address a potential gap between expected and target returns. This tool offers insights that can help you:
- Explore illustrative portfolios, including exposures to alternatives, that can help achieve your goals.
- Easily review different allocations to evaluate the impact of alternatives on your portfolios.
- Explore a simple framework for selecting alternatives, including private markets.
Have more meaningful conversations with your clients by showing the potential impact of alternatives in their portfolios. You can easily generate client-friendly reports of your analysis in 360° Evaluator that will differentiate your practice from other financial professionals and help educate clients on the benefits of private markets.