Rebalancing act: adapting portfolios to changing markets

Managing client needs and finding the time to keep portfolio allocations aligned to long-term goals can be challenging in any market.

If you're looking for portfolio allocation ideas, model portfolios can give you a starting point so you can spend more time with clients while relying on insights from BlackRock Portfolio Managers.

Explore the latest market insights driving Target Allocation Model Portfolios as they adapt to current market environments.


Market views driving allocation changes

Timely market analysis helps Target Allocation model portfolios adapt to current markets. These are our views as of September 2024:
Number one
We've reduced our equity overweight to help navigate the historically volatile election season.
Number two
We detect cooling trends in earnings surprises and estimate revisions, suggesting potential moderation in market leadership.
Number three
We acknowledge elevated uncertainty surrounding the upcoming election, leading to delayed major capital allocations and potential market fluctuations.
Number four
We remain cautiously optimistic with a preference for stocks over bonds, maintaining flexibility to capitalize on post-election opportunities.

Hi, I'm Tushar Yadava, and I'm here to give you a quick update on the latest changes to our asset allocation views from the BlackRock Model Portfolios, and why we believe they make sense in the current market environment.

To kick things off, we prefer to tactically reduce equity overweights in this environment, and after seeing gains in portfolios from growth heavy stocks like technology, we believe it may be time to trim some of those winners while staying mindful of potential seasonal and election-related volatility, with an eye towards potentially re-risking after the election.

In addition, we think it may be time to bring any regional tilts back closer to neutral. Our view is such a move favors US stocks less than before, relative to their international counterparts. Earnings in the US was as expected – but didn’t provide enough fuel – in terms of surprises, estimate revisions from analysts or guidance to tell us that stocks here can vastly re-rate higher based on fundamental factors alone. In other words, a lot of the strength for the US is already reflected in the price of stocks. Hey, we’re still bullish, bullish on stocks overall, but not as heavily so for the time being.

Finally, we think it is a good time to trim long-duration positions, which have greatly benefited from fading the sticky inflation/higher for longer fanaticism that prevailed in the market in the spring, and are now reflecting a Federal Reserve that is intent on cutting rates and bond yields that have marched lower in lock-step with their dovish turn.

For more information, please check out our latest moves on the advisor center, or reach out to your BlackRock market teams. Thanks for watching.

The views expressed herein relate to the BlackRock Model Portfolios as of 9/5/2024. Information shown represents the current investment strategy and philosophy of BlackRock, the model portfolio provider, and is subject to change. There is no guarantee that any forecasts made will come to pass.

This information should not be relied upon as investment advice, research, or a recommendation by BlackRock regarding (i) the funds, (ii) the use or suitability of the model portfolios or (iii) any security in particular. Only an investor and their financial professional know enough about their circumstances to make an investment decision.

Carefully consider the investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses of funds within the model portfolios before investing. This and other information can be found in the funds’ prospectuses or, if available, the summary prospectuses which may be obtained by visiting each fund company's website or calling their toll-free number. For BlackRock and iShares Funds, please visit or

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Asset allocation and diversification may not protect against market risk, loss of principal or volatility of returns. 

The BlackRock model portfolios are provided for illustrative and educational purposes only. The BlackRock model portfolios do not constitute research, are not personalized investment advice or an investment recommendation from BlackRock to any client of a third party financial professional, and are intended for use only by a third party financial professional, with other information, as a resource to help build a portfolio or as an input in the development of investment advice for its own clients. The BlackRock model portfolios themselves are not funds.

BlackRock intends to allocate all or a significant percentage of the BlackRock model portfolios to funds for which it and/or its affiliates serve as investment manager and/or are compensated for services provided to the funds (BlackRock Affiliated Funds). Clients will indirectly bear fund expenses relating to assets allocated to funds, including BlackRock Affiliated Funds. BlackRock has an incentive to (a) select BlackRock Affiliated Funds and (b) select BlackRock Affiliated Funds with higher fees over BlackRock Affiliated Funds with lower fees.

International investing involves risks, including risks related to foreign currency, limited liquidity, less government regulation and the possibility of substantial volatility due to adverse political, economic or other developments. These risks often are heightened for investments in emerging/developing markets and in concentrations of single countries.

Prepared by BlackRock Investments, LLC, member FINRA

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Three insights on our market views

Hear from Tushar Yadava, Market Strategist for the Target Allocation model portfolios as he reviews the market changes shaping the latest portfolio allocation updates.

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How BlackRock helps you deliver during challenging times

BlackRock asked more than 300 financial advisors how COVID-19 market volatility impacted their practices. What we learned was not surprising: advisors who used model portfolios experienced a smoother ride for their practice and their clients.

of Advisors stated models helped stabilize their practice during COVID-19
of model users spent most or all of their excess time with clients and prospects during COVID-19
of model users won new business during COVID-19 volatility versus 69% who were not using models

Source: BlackRock. Survey Methodology Overview: In response to the COVID-19 induced volatility, during the week of 5/4/2020, BlackRock collected responses to a 15 question survey about wealth outsourcing (SMA & Models usage) experience and intentions from approximately 305 financial advisors across more than 10 independent and wire channel firms. The results above are a snapshot of the data collected as of 5/11/2020.