Fixed Income







Growth of Hypothetical $10,000

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Record Date Ex-Date Payable Date
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  1y 3y 5y 10y Incept.
7.90 - - - 8.24
Market Price (%) 7.69 - - - 8.31
Benchmark (%) 7.69 - - - 8.05
After Tax Pre-Liq. (%) 5.24 - - - 5.73
After Tax Post-Liq. (%) 4.61 - - - 5.21
  YTD 1m 3m 6m 1y 3y 5y 10y Incept.
5.55 0.59 1.66 3.57 7.90 - - - 14.63
Market Price (%) 5.51 0.53 1.61 3.58 7.69 - - - 14.74
Benchmark (%) 5.39 0.59 1.68 3.48 7.69 - - - 14.28
After Tax Pre-Liq. (%) 3.85 0.36 1.02 2.28 5.24 - - - 10.08
After Tax Post-Liq. (%) 3.26 0.35 0.98 2.10 4.61 - - - 9.15
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Return (%) - - - - -
Market Price (%) - - - - -
Benchmark (%) - - - - -
The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted.

Key Facts

Key Facts

Net Assets of Fund
as of Oct 18, 2024
Benchmark Index
JP Morgan CLOIE AAA Index (USD)
Distribution Frequency
30 Day Avg. Volume
as of Oct 18, 2024
Daily Volume
as of Oct 18, 2024
Fund Launch Date
Jan 10, 2023
Asset Class
Fixed Income
Shares Outstanding
as of Oct 18, 2024
as of Oct 18, 2024
Closing Price
as of Oct 18, 2024
30 Day Median Bid/Ask Spread
as of Oct 18, 2024

Portfolio Characteristics

Portfolio Characteristics

Number of Holdings
as of Oct 17, 2024
30 Day SEC Yield
as of Oct 17, 2024
Standard Deviation (3y)
as of -
Weighted Avg Coupon
as of Oct 17, 2024
Effective Duration
as of Oct 17, 2024
0.10 yrs
Equity Beta (3y)
as of -
12m Trailing Yield
as of Oct 17, 2024
Average Yield to Maturity
as of Oct 17, 2024
Weighted Avg Maturity
as of Oct 17, 2024
2.36 yrs
Option Adjusted Spread
as of Oct 17, 2024
121.02 bps
This information must be preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. For standardized performance, please see the Performance section above.

Sustainability Characteristics

Sustainability Characteristics

To be included in MSCI ESG Fund Ratings, 65% (or 50% for bond funds and money market funds) of the fund’s gross weight must come from securities with ESG coverage by MSCI ESG Research (certain cash positions and other asset types deemed not relevant for ESG analysis by MSCI are removed prior to calculating a fund’s gross weight; the absolute values of short positions are included but treated as uncovered), the fund’s holdings date must be less than one year old, and the fund must have at least ten securities. MSCI Ratings are currently unavailable for this fund.

ESG Integration

ESG Integration

ESG integration is the practice of incorporating financially material environmental, social and governance (ESG) data or information into the investment decision process with the objective of enhancing risk-adjusted returns of our clients’ portfolios. Unless otherwise stated in Fund documentation or included within the Fund's investment objective, inclusion of this statement does not imply that the Fund has an ESG-aligned investment objective or strategy, but rather describes how ESG data or information is considered as part of the overall investment process.

The Fund manager includes ESG considerations in combination with other information in the research phase of the investment process. This may include relevant third-party insights, as well as internal engagement commentary and input from BlackRock Investment Stewardship on governance issues. The Fund manager conducts regular portfolio reviews with the Risk and Quantitative Analysis group and with the Chief Investment Officers. These reviews include discussion, where appropriate, of the portfolio's exposure to material ESG risks, as well as exposure to sustainability-related business involvements, climate-related metrics, and other factors.



as of current prospectus
Management Fee 0.20%
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses 0.00%
Other Expenses 0.00%
Expense Ratio 0.20%

The amounts shown above are as of the current prospectus, but may not include extraordinary expenses incurred by the Fund over the past fiscal year. Amounts are rounded to the nearest basis point, which in some cases may be "0.00".





as of Oct 17, 2024
Issuer Weight (%)
OCP_20-19R-A1R 1.15
RRAM 20_8A-A1R 1.00
OAKC_19-3A-AR 0.95
OHALF_15-1A-AR3 0.95
GCBSL _19-41A-AR 0.95
Issuer Weight (%)
OAKC_19-2A-AR 0.95
PLMRS_22-1A-A 0.95
APID_33A-AR 0.95
GOCAP_58-A1 0.95
AIGIM 2021-1A-A 0.95
Name Sector Asset Class Market Value Weight (%) Notional Value Par Value CUSIP ISIN SEDOL Location Exchange Currency Duration YTM (%) FX Rate Maturity Coupon (%) Mod. Duration Yield to Call (%) Yield to Worst (%) Real Duration Real YTM (%) Market Currency Accrual Date Effective Date
Holdings are subject to change.

The values shown for “market value,” “weight,” and “notional value” (the “calculated values”) are based off of a price provided by a third-party pricing vendor for the portfolio holding and do not reflect the impact of systematic fair valuation (“the vendor price”). The vendor price is not necessarily the price at which the Fund values the portfolio holding for the purposes of determining its net asset value (the “valuation price”). Holdings data shown reflects the investment book of record, which may differ from the accounting book of record used for the purposes of determining the Net Assets of the Fund. Additionally, where applicable, foreign currency exchange rates with respect to the portfolio holdings denominated in non-U.S. currencies for the valuation price will be generally determined as of the close of business on the New York Stock Exchange, whereas for the vendor price will be generally determined as of 4 p.m. London. The calculated values may have been different if the valuation price were to have been used to calculate such values. The vendor price is as of the most recent date for which a price is available and may not necessarily be as of the date shown above.

Please see the “Determination of Net Asset Value” section of each Fund’s prospectus for additional information on the Fund’s valuation policies and procedures.

Exposure Breakdowns

Exposure Breakdowns

as of Oct 17, 2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
as of Oct 17, 2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
The maturity breakdown above is based on Weighted Average Life (WAL). WAL is the average length of time to the repayment of principal for the securities in the fund. This metric considers the likelihood that bonds will be called or prepaid before the scheduled maturity date.

as of Oct 17, 2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
Credit quality ratings on underlying securities of the fund are received from S&P, Moody’s and Fitch and converted to the equivalent S&P major rating category. This breakdown is provided by BlackRock and takes the median rating of the three agencies when all three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two ratings if only two agencies rate a security, and one rating if that is all that is provided. Unrated securities do not necessarily indicate low quality. Below investment-grade is represented by a rating of BB and below. Ratings and portfolio credit quality may change over time.
Allocations are subject to change.

Portfolio Managers

Portfolio Managers

Saffet Ozbalci
Managing Director, Global Head of Structured Credit

Saffet Ozbalci, Managing Director, Global Head of Structured Credit within BlackRock’s Fundamental Fixed Income platform.

Peter Hirsh

Peter Hirsh, Director, is a member of BlackRock’s Fundamental Fixed Income platform.

Nidhi Patel

Nidhi Patel, Director, is a member of BlackRock’s Fundamental Fixed Income platform.



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