Rebalancing act: adapting portfolios to changing markets

Managing client needs and finding the time to keep portfolio allocations aligned to long-term goals can be challenging in any market.

If you're looking for portfolio allocation ideas, model portfolios can give you a starting point so you can spend more time with clients while relying on insights from BlackRock Portfolio Managers.

Explore the latest market insights driving Target Allocation Model Portfolios as they adapt to current market environments.

model asset allocation

Market views driving allocation changes

Timely market analysis helps Target Allocation model portfolios adapt to current markets. These are our views as of June 2024:
Icn direction
We continue to hold a bullish stance on equities as markets have continued to rally.
icn balance
We prefer growth over value with a preference for companies in the US and overseas developed markets who've beaten their earnings estimates.
quality diamond
We have revised our underweight view of emerging market (EM) stocks as accommodation from the Fed and EM central banks becomes more visible.
icn govt
We see an opportunity in enhancing credit quality and targeting resilient investment-grade corporate issuers with healthy balance sheets and attractive valuations.

Hi, I'm Tushar Yadava, and I'm here to give you a quick update on the latest changes to our asset allocation views in the BlackRock Model Portfolios, and why we believe they make sense in the current market environment.

First and foremost, we are keeping our foot on the gas when it comes to risk appetite. In stock and bond portfolios, we prefer to adjust to higher weights in equities. This is because the market moves so far this year have drifted multi asset portfolios that hold stocks to an even larger portion of equities, which is what we think is well positioned for the current slowing-but-by-no-means-slower macro environment here in the US.

Second, we are favoring growth equities, both within the US and the developed markets. Growth stocks are primarily the ones driving earnings growth for both regions as a whole, and while we have long espoused a positive view on growth slices of large cap stocks in the US, we are now also adding the rest of the developed markets to this view, based on improvements in their forward earnings expectations from analysts.

Third, as the central bank picture changes both here in the US and also in the Emerging Markets, we are sensitive to allocation decisions that could be affected by a change in the prevailing winds from these institutions. In the last three months we have seen four times as many rate cuts as hikes from EM central banks, and the majority of EM central banks have chosen to hold rates steady, perhaps as they sit on the precipice of cuts. In EM equities this results in a preference for exposure to the asset class as this shift towards accommodative policy has the potential to be beneficial for asset class returns, and in fixed income sleeves favoring being selective in credit, particularly investment grade with spreads over treasuries at ultra-tight levels.

For more information, please check out our latest moves on the advisor center or reach out to your BlackRock market teams. Thanks, and have a great summer.

The views expressed herein relate to the BlackRock Model Portfolios as of June 6, 2024. Information shown represents the current investment strategy and philosophy of BlackRock, the model portfolio provider, and is subject to change. There is no guarantee that any forecasts made will come to pass.

Three insights on our market views

Hear from Tushar Yadava, Market Strategist for the Target Allocation model portfolios as he reviews the market changes shaping the latest portfolio allocation updates.

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How BlackRock model portfolios have adapted to markets

BlackRock's suite of model portfolios are built to navigate changing markets. We take a disciplined approach to portfolio construction and have a history of stepping in when it counts.
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How BlackRock helps you deliver during challenging times

BlackRock asked more than 300 financial advisors how COVID-19 market volatility impacted their practices. What we learned was not surprising: advisors who used model portfolios experienced a smoother ride for their practice and their clients.

of Advisors stated models helped stabilize their practice during COVID-19
of model users spent most or all of their excess time with clients and prospects during COVID-19
of model users won new business during COVID-19 volatility versus 69% who were not using models

Source: BlackRock. Survey Methodology Overview: In response to the COVID-19 induced volatility, during the week of 5/4/2020, BlackRock collected responses to a 15 question survey about wealth outsourcing (SMA & Models usage) experience and intentions from approximately 305 financial advisors across more than 10 independent and wire channel firms. The results above are a snapshot of the data collected as of 5/11/2020.