Corporate pensions

Defined Benefit

We understand the challenges that Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes face. We offer a full range of investment solutions, to help schemes on their journey to end game.

Why BlackRock for DB?

Our dedicated defined benefit pensions team leverages the depth and breadth of BlackRock to deliver investment solutions that are aligned with your plan priorities. From Fiduciary Management, to private markets and fixed income solutions, we partner with our DB clients to use BlackRock’s full spectrum of investment strategies and solutions to help reach goals.

Protect pie
Optimising portfolios
We can help plans close funding gaps and improve returns by choosing appropriate growth assets, utilising capital-efficient instruments, and managing portfolios dynamically.
Protect shield
Mitigating liability risk
We offer a comprehensive liability driven investing platform to help corporate plans mitigate risks and prepare for portfolio risk transfers.
Government Institution
Improving governance structures
We work with corporate plans to improve investment governance and to align outcomes with plan-sponsor objectives.

Latest insights from our DB team

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Credit where it's due

Views from the LDI desk: Credit where it's due

Two of the major themes in UK Pensions have been i) increasing resilience in the wake of the Autumn 2022 Gilt Crisis and ii) Preparing for end game given the improvement in typical scheme funding positions.

Road to a resilient retirement
Key trends

Key trends shaping the pensions landscape

The intricate interplay between global ageing populations, high interest rates and the risk of market turbulence will shape UK pension investments. What could this mean for 2024 and beyond?

Diversity umbrellas
Portfolio changes

The ‘great moderation’ is over

How do portfolios need to adapt for the future – to avoid a repeat of last autumn’s gilts crisis, but also to be ready for an era of political, economic and market volatility?

After the storm

UK defined benefit pension schemes – After the storm

The mini-budget of September 2022 set off a chain of events which radically changed the funding position of UK DB Pension Schemes. This paper will explore the range of solutions pension scheme trustees have at their disposal and assess the impact on governance, asset allocation and portfolio construction.

One camper van
New perspectives

Defined benefit – New perspectives

DB pension schemes face numerous challenges on many fronts. Following the events of 2022, many DB schemes were caught up in the gilt volatility of September and October. What are the lessons for DB schemes from such a tumultuous event? And how should schemes approach liability-driven investment, after it was the forefront of much that occurred?

Here for the how podcast
Hear Here

A roadmap to a resilient retirement

We are driven by a vision of a better retirement. Our podcast series, PensionShip, breaks down what’s shaping the retirement landscape and explores the forces that are changing investing.

Meet our Institutional Defined Benefit team

Gavin Lewis
Head of UK Institutional Client Business
Henry Odogwu
Head of UK DB Sales
Andrew Reid
Head of UK DB Relationship Management