Video Series

The Big Question

With a myriad of asset classes, sectors and mega forces at play, making sense of the markets is challenging.

In this video series, BlackRock experts tackle the big questions they are hearing from Asian investors today, and clarify what this means for portfolios.

So the big question our clients in Asia are asking is the tremendous run that we have seen in the technology sector – if it's over, if it's hype, and will it continue?

Hi I'm Tony Kim. I'm the lead portfolio manager of the technology strategy for BlackRock.

My answer to this question is we're just getting going. And this is going to be the predominant theme for the rest of this decade. We are just in the early stages of the build out in the development, for AI and how that translates to the technology sector.

We look at AI from a full stack perspective, where we, decompose all the elements of AI, everything from energy to compute to software to models to data and to applications. We then look at all of those categories and subcategories, and we are investing along this whole stack.

We believe that this is going to continue throughout this decade. And so, in no means is it over. In fact, it's just beginning.

Is the AI boom overhyped?

Following the hype around AI over the past 18 months, is the boom set to continue? Tony Kim explores the case for investing across the AI stack.

Tony Kim, Lead Portfolio Manager, Technology Strategies

13 June 2024

The big question that our clients in Asia Pacific are asking us today is how do I prepare my portfolio in a robust and resilient manner so that the portfolio is ready to maneuver and navigate today's fast changing markets?

Hi, I'm Daniel Caderas . I'm a multi-asset investor, and I lead the Global Tactical Asset Allocation team here at BlackRock.

What worked in the past potentially, where you just combine stocks and bonds in a portfolio and they're largely offset by each other, in particular, during periods of stress and volatility. Those times are gone.

We believe as an investor these days you want to be flexible, you want to be nimble. You also want to incorporate the fact that the world is changing fast, and you want to have a more short-term view.

We are a team which invests in a more tactical manner, which means we focus on the short-term to mid-term time horizon. We do this across a large opportunity set, and that allows us to be flexible in terms of going anywhere. So wherever we believe there's dislocations, discrepancies, wherever the market tends to overreact or underreact, that's where we can position ourselves.

How do I build a resilient multi-asset portfolio?

Against a backdrop of a fast-changing and complex markets, building resilient portfolios can be challenging. Daniel Caderas shares what it takes to build a robust portfolio today.

Daniel Caderas, Global Tactical Asset Allocation lead, Multi-Asset Strategies & Solutions, Asia-Pacific

23 May 2024