Private Markets

Build on this

Well-built infrastructure investments are a powerful way to invest in the trends shaping the world of tomorrow. We believe that BlackRock’s global reach, deep experience and sourcing prowess make the foundations of an infrastructure investment platform investors can build on with confidence.
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Key points


Build on Vision

An infrastructure platform built on and reinforced by scale.


Build on Partnership

Proven global deal sourcing strategy, capitalizing on compelling opportunities.


Build on Performance

Sophisticated, world-class solutions to customize, manage and scale infrastructure exposure.

Why BlackRock for infrastructure?

Our infrastructure team seeks to deliver outperformance with true partnership - building long-term, stable cash flows for investors with potential for inflation mitigation. With our proprietary origination strategy, industry expertise and fiduciary business model, we invite future-minded investors to build on this.

Investment capabilities

We believe that investment capabilities should be structured with a clearly defined risk profile aligned with investors’ goals. Following the global financial crisis, infrastructure investing shifted from a generic private equity risk allocation to a more defined allocation to take into account the varying risk profiles of infrastructure assets. BlackRock Infrastructure offers capabilities across the risk/return spectrum, assisting investors to invest for outcomes.

We offer sophisticated, comprehensive infrastructure equity and debt solutions to best serve your needs.

BlackRock Infrastructure platform capabilities

Source: BlackRock, as of 31 March 2023. For Illustrative purposes only. This information demonstrates, in part, the firm’s risk and return analysis to organize Infrastructure strategies. This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation to take any particular investment action.

BlackRock’s latest infrastructure insights