Cash Management

Cash Management

Over multiple interest rate cycles and varying market conditions, BlackRock has managed cash portfolios for corporations, banks, foundations, endowments, insurance companies, pensions and family offices. Today, we are one of the largest cash management providers in the world.

Why BlackRock for cash management solutions?

Your trusted partner for cash and liquidity management

Entrust your cash with BlackRock, a counterparty focused exclusively on managing money on behalf of our clients – so your best interest is our only priority. Let’s work together to find the right combination of strategies that ensures the stability, liquidity and performance of your portfolio.

Liquidity icon
Best-in-class access to liquidity, pricing and diversification to manage risk.
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Dedicated portfolio managers for disciplined portfolio and position-level management to seek to deliver performance.
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Technology & analytics
Sophisticated analytics, insights, risk management and reporting powered by CachematrixTM by BlackRock and Aladdin.

Cash and liquidity solutions

BlackRock considers cash management a unique investment discipline requiring a distinct skill set to effectively hedge against risk and deliver on a client's individual liquidity needs. While our investment strategy is conservative by nature, we strive to deliver competitive, consistent returns over time.

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Money market strategies

Our liquidity strategies are specifically designed to meet the cash management needs of institutional investors. They satisfy the most conservative investment policies by consistently focusing on high-quality investments and providing same-day liquidity with competitive yields.

Government money market strategies invest at least 99.5% in cash, securities or repurchase agreements that are collateralized by cash or government securities.
Prime money market mutual strategies invest in securities issued by corporations, banks and other non-government entities.
Municipal money market strategies may potentially offer tax benefits to an investor, since the earnings are typically exempt from federal and sometimes state income taxes.

Short duration

BlackRock’s Short duration strategies employ a fundamental, diversified and relative-value approach focused solely on the front-end of the yield curve.

Learn more

Exchange traded funds (ETFs)

ETFs are an increasingly integral part of the investment process for institutional investors. They are changing the way institutions construct portfolios, fine-tune risk and manage operational tasks.

0-3 month Treasury bond strategy
Index-based exposure to U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining maturities less than or equal to three months.
Treasury floating-rate bond strategy
Index-based exposure to U.S. floating rate Treasury bonds, whose interest payments adjust to reflect changes in interest rates.
Short treasury bond strategy
Index-based exposure to U.S. Treasury bonds that mature in less than 1 year.
Ultra short-term bond strategy
Actively managed strategy that seeks to provide income by investing in a broad range of short term investment-grade fixed- and floating-rate debt securities and money marke...
Short maturity bond strategy
Actively managed strategy that seeks to maximize current income through diversified exposure to short-term bonds.

Separately managed accounts

Unlike commingled mutual funds, separately managed accounts are segregated mandates comprised solely of one client’s assets. The investment strategy of the account is driven by the specific objectives and risk tolerance of the account owner, often dictated by their investment guidelines.

Contact us to discuss cash management solutions for your portfolio

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Our team

With one of the most experienced cash management teams in the industry, BlackRock is able to offer clients an investment approach that has been tested through time and a variety of solutions designed to meet the needs of today’s cash investor.

Roland Villacorta, CFA
Managing Director, Head of Global Cash Management and Head of Securities Lending within BlackRock Global Markets
Roland Villacorta, CFA, Managing Director, is Head of Global Cash Management and Head of Securities Lending within BlackRock’s Global Markets. He is a member of BlackRock's Global Operating Committee.