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Insights series

Welcome to the insights series hub, where you will find the latest from our investment strategies, researches and portfolio managers on a regular basis. These cover fixed income, equities, private markets and portfolio construction - giving you the inside track on all our latest thinking.

Street between Houses


Stay ahead of markets with the latest insights from thought-leaders across BlackRock, including the BlackRock Investment Institute.

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At BlackRock we have a broad range of equity offerings across ETFs, mutual funds and managed products. Explore our latest insights to help your clients pursue their long-term equity goals.

Man riding kayak
Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Analysing and capturing return opportunities takes skill, insight and experience. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the world of fixed income, our insights can help to enhance your understanding and empower your investment decisions.

Image of shipping containers
Private Markets

Private Markets

In an increasingly complex world, bonds and equities can often prove insufficient. We look to complement traditional investment approaches with a broad range of alternatives, spanning private markets and liquid alternative solutions.

A man working on consrtuction site
Portfolio Construction

Portfolio Construction

A fast-changing world requires a responsive approach to building portfolios. At BlackRock, we look to blend alpha, factors and indexing to achieve optimal outcomes - and we are keen to share our knowledge.

Events Hub

Our virtual events hub brings you BlackRock's thought leaders on topics including global macro insights, investment strategies in public and private markets, product spotlights and more.