Image of shipping containers

Private markets insights

In an increasingly complex world, bonds and equities can often prove insufficient. We look to complement traditional investment approaches with a broad range of alternatives, spanning private markets and liquid alternative solutions.

Inside the mind of a PE investor

Nathalie von Niederhaeusern heads up BlackRock’s Private Equity Partners in EMEA, overseeing 14 investors. She sat down with us recently to talk all things private equity.
Find out why 2024 feels like a turnaround year, which strategies and sectors are especially popular right now, and how Nathalie rates the AI opportunity in Europe.
Man walking on hill

Deals and discounts on the secondary market

Secondary market thrived last year, offering buyers significant discounts on diverse, quality portfolios. $115 billion deals closed in 2023¹. So, what’s next?
We’re expecting further growth in dealmaking, with buy-side innovations and increased focus on portfolio quality from sellers.

Source ¹: BlackRock, as of March 21, 2024.
Man with VCR set

Private debt, poised for growth?

Private debt, a scalable asset class for long-term investors, could double to $3.5 trillion globally by 20282. With $445bn capital ready3, direct lenders are expected to offer more long-term financing – potentially creating exciting income-generating opportunities along the way.
Person on escalators

2 BlackRock, Preqin June 30, 2023.
3 BlackRock, Preqin June 30, 2023.

Renewables still offer plenty of potential opportunities

Wind turbines and solar panels hit record installations last year, debunking growth stagnation myths. Renewables could generate 35% of global energy by 20254. Despite challenges, reconfiguring energy systems offers growth opportunities and portfolio balance.

Source 4: IEA, Electricity Market Report 2023.
Wind turbines
Power up: Investing today in the battery of tomorrow
November 2023 | Read time: 5 min

The battery of the future is essential to the transition to a low-carbon economy, from powering electric vehicles to enhancing the reliability of the electric grid. Here are some of the private companies leading the development of these next-generation technologies, which we’re investing in on behalf of our clients.

On the road with the car of tomorrow
November 2023 | Read time: 5 min

Introducing some of the private companies that are developing the next-generation technologies that will shape the low-carbon car of the future. BlackRock is one of the largest investors in the automotive sector. In addition, we have US$170B invested in public automotive companies on behalf of our clients, putting money to work in private markets.⁵

2024 Private Markets Outlook: Potential Opportunities in Mega Forces
January 2024 | Viewing time: 30 min

Mark Everitt, CFA, Head of Investment Research and Strategy, BlackRock Private Markets left attendees with these three take aways during the recent virtual event:

1. Don’t skip this vintage.
2. Focus on being active.
3. Mega forces will continue to be a real driver of growth and the investment opportunity set going forward.

Start building resiliency in your portfolio
October 2023 | Read time: 5 min

One approach to portfolio construction that we think must evolve is the broad allocation to listed equities and bonds. The increasing correlation of public stocks and bonds means it's difficult to find diversification and sources of returns. To help make portfolios more resilient, investors are considering exposure to alternatives investments.

Why wealth portfolios should include private markets
October 2023 | Read time: 5 min

Private markets are no longer an ‘alternative’ asset class. In fact, they may be more crucial to a diversified portfolio than ever before. The BlackRock Investment Institute believes that private assets should play a much more prominent role in many portfolios.


5 BlackRock, Investing Today in the Car of Tomorrow, as of 5 October 2023.

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