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BlackRock in Latin America
We’ve been operating in Latin America for almost 3 decades. Our goal is simple – we want to help more and more people experience financial well-being.
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We’ve been operating in Latin America for almost 3 decades. Our goal is simple – we want to help more and more people experience financial well-being.
As a global investment manager and fiduciary to our clients, our purpose at BlackRock is to help everyone experience financial well-being. Since 1999, we've been a leading provider of financial technology, and our clients turn to us for the solutions they need when planning for their most important goals.
In Latin America, for institutional investors and financial intermediaries only (not for public distribution). This material is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an offer or solicitation to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any shares of any fund or security and it is your responsibility to inform yourself of, and to observe, all applicable laws and regulations of your relevant jurisdiction. If any funds are mentioned or inferred in this material, such funds may not been registered with the securities regulators of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay or any other securities regulator in any Latin American country and thus, may not be publicly offered in any such countries. The securities regulators of any country within Latin America have not confirmed the accuracy of any information contained herein. No information discussed herein can be provided to the general public in Latin America. The contents of this material are strictly confidential and must not be passed to any third party. In Argentina, only for use with Qualified Investors under the definition as set by the Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV). In Brazil, this private offer does not constitute a public offer, and is not registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, for use only with professional investors as such term is defined by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários. In Colombia, the sale of each fund discussed herein, if any, is addressed to less than one hundred specifically identified investors, and such fund may not be promoted or marketed in Colombia or to Colombian residents unless such promotion and marketing is made in compliance with Decree 2555 of 2010 and other applicable rules and regulations related to the promotion of foreign financial and/or securities related products or services in Colombia. In Chile, the sale of each fund not registered with the CMF began on the date as indicated for such fund as described herein and the sale of such securities is subject to General Rule No. 336 issued by the SVS (now the CMF). The subject matter of this sale may include securities not registered with the CMF; therefore, such securities are not subject to the supervision of the CMF. Since the securities are not registered in Chile, there is no obligation of the issuer to make publicly available information about the securities in Chile. The securities shall not be subject to public offering in Chile unless registered with the relevant registry of the CMF. In Peru, this private offer does not constitute a public offer, and is not registered with the Securities Market Public Registry of the Peruvian Securities Market Commission, for use only with institutional investors as such term is defined by the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP. In Uruguay, the Securities are not and will not be registered with the Central Bank of Uruguay. The Securities are not and will not be offered publicly in or from Uruguay and are not and will not be traded on any Uruguayan stock exchange. This offer has not been and will not be announced to the public and offering materials will not be made available to the general public except in circumstances which do not constitute a public offering of securities in Uruguay, in compliance with the requirements of the Uruguayan Securities Market Law (Law Nº 18.627 and Decree 322/011).
IN MEXICO, FOR QUALIFIED AND INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS USE ONLY. INVESTING INVOLVES RISK, INCLUDING POSSIBLE LOSS OF PRINCIPAL. THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY ANY SHARES OF ANY FUND OR SECURITY. This information does not consider the investment objectives, risk tolerance or the financial circumstances of any specific investor. This information does not replace the obligation of financial advisor to apply his/her best judgment in making investment decisions or investment recommendations. It is your responsibility to inform yourself of, and to observe, all applicable laws and regulations of Mexico. If any funds, securities or investment strategies are mentioned or inferred in this material, such funds, securities or strategies have not been registered with the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, the “CNBV”) and thus, may not be publicly offered in Mexico. The CNBV has not confirmed the accuracy of any information contained herein. The provision of investment management and investment advisory services (“Investment Services”) is a regulated activity in Mexico, subject to strict rules, and performed under the supervision of the CNBV. BlackRock México Operadora, S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Operadora de Fondos de Inversión (“BlackRock México Operadora”) is a Mexican subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., authorized by the CNBV as a Mutual Fund Manager (Operadora de Fondos), and as such, authorized to manage Mexican mutual funds, ETFs and provide Investment Advisory Services. For more information on the Investment Services offered by BlackRock Mexico, please review our Investment Services Guide available in www.BlackRock.com/mx. This material represents an assessment at a specific time and its information should not be relied upon by the you as research or investment advice regarding the funds, any security or investment strategy in particular. Reliance upon information in this material is at your sole discretion. BlackRock México is not authorized to receive deposits, carry out intermediation activities, or act as a broker dealer, or bank in Mexico. For more information on BlackRock México, please visit: www.blackrock.com/mx. BlackRock receives revenue in the form of advisory fees for our advisory services and management fees for our mutual funds, exchange traded funds and collective investment trusts. Any modification, change, distribution or inadequate use of information of this document is not responsibility of BlackRock or any of its affiliates. Pursuant to the Mexican Data Privacy Law (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares), to register your personal data you must confirm that you have read and understood the Privacy Notice of BlackRock México Operadora. For the full disclosure, please visit www.blackrock.com/mx and accept that your personal information will be managed according with the terms and conditions set forth therein.
For investors in Central America, these securities have not been registered before the Securities Superintendence of the Republic of Panama, nor did the offer, sale or their trading procedures. The registration exemption has made according to numeral 3 of Article 129 of the Consolidated Text containing of the Decree-Law No. 1 of July 8, 1999 (institutional investors). Consequently, the tax treatment set forth in Articles 334 to 336 of the Unified Text containing Decree-Law No. 1 of July 8, 1999, does not apply to them. These securities are not under the supervision of the Securities Superintendence of the Republic of Panama. The information contained herein does not describe any product that is supervised or regulated by the National Banking and Insurance Commission (CNBS) in Honduras. Therefore any investment described herein is done at the investor’s own risk. This is an individual and private offer which is made in Costa Rica upon reliance on an exemption from registration before the General Superintendence of Securities (“SUGEVAL”), pursuant to articles 7 and 8 of the Regulations on the Public Offering of Securities (“Reglamento sobre Oferta Pública de Valores”). This information is confidential, and is not to be reproduced or distributed to third parties as this is NOT a public offering of securities in Costa Rica. The product being offered is not intended for the Costa Rican public or market and neither is registered or will be registered before the SUGEVAL, nor can be traded in the secondary market. If any recipient of this documentation receives this document in El Salvador, such recipient acknowledges that the same has been delivered upon his request and instructions, and on a private placement basis.
For investors in the Caribbean, any funds mentioned or inferred in this material have not been registered under the provisions of the Investment Funds Act of 2003 of the Bahamas, nor have they been registered with the securities regulators of Bermuda, Dominica, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad & Tobago or any jurisdiction in the Eastern Caribbean, and thus, may not be publicly offered in any such jurisdiction. The shares of any fund mentioned herein may only be marketed in Bermuda by or on behalf of the fund or fund manager only in compliance with the provision of the Investment Business Act 2003 of Bermuda and the Companies Act of 1981. Engaging in marketing, offering or selling any fund from within the Cayman Islands to persons or entities in the Cayman Islands may be deemed carrying on business in the Cayman Islands. As a non-Cayman Islands person, BlackRock may not carry on or engage in any trade or business unless it properly registers and obtains a license for such activities in accordance with the applicable Cayman Islands law.
This material is restricted to distribution to Non-U.S. Persons outside the United States within the meaning of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act Of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). Any securities described herein may not be registered under the Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction and may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred except to persons outside the U.S. in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act pursuant to the terms of such securities. In particular, any UCITS funds mentioned herein are not available to investors in the U.S. and this material cannot be construed as an offer of any UCITS fund to any investor in the U.S.
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