Local Government Pension Schemes
Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
Why BlackRock for LGPS?
Our LGPS clients are a priority group for BlackRock, having managed their assets for almost 50 years. Today, BlackRock manages over £24 billion of assets for 55 schemes and 7 pools.1 We strive to provide the highest level of service and have built a 6-person dedicated team to maintain/service relationships at the Pools and the Schemes.
Our LGPS clients have allocated their assets across BlackRock’s passive, active and alternative investment platforms in addition to leveraging our transition capabilities as they transfer their assets to their Pools. We aim to work closely with the client to ensure that they achieve their respective investment objectives through our products and solutions as well as fulfilling their operational requirements. For this, transparency and communication with the client within an agreed process-driven framework is paramount to its success.
We recognise the increasing demand for reporting, disclosure and transparency and work with our clients to ensure these are delivered in an efficient manner.
Commitment to education and training
We hold a variety of dedicated local authority events throughout the year, where we seek to share our insights to broaden our clients’ knowledge. These include conferences, smaller training sessions and online training. We also provide free training to Investment Panel members on a wide variety of topics to educate and inform our clients on key investment issues facing local authority pension funds.
Source: BlackRock as of 31 December 2023.
Watch: Investing in the UK's transition to a low- carbon economy
We’re visiting companies we invest in, on behalf of our clients, to see how they are developing innovative solutions that could transform their industries right here in the UK. Watch the videos to learn more about synchronous compensators and smart meter technologies.
- Watch: The role of synchronous compensators in the UK's transition
- Watch: A day in the life of a Calisen smart meter engineer
Learn more about LGPS at BlackRock
The full range of our asset capabilities is reflected in our solutions - The LGPS’ requirements from their managers will continue to evolve thus BlackRock continually engages with the Pools and Schemes to assist them in future proofing their investment strategies and allocations.
As a fiduciary to our clients, we know how important Investment Stewardship and Sustainable Investing is for the LGPS community. BlackRock have the largest stewardship team in the asset management industry with unique expertise to engage with companies on governance and business models long-term financial sustainability.
In addition, BlackRock's Sustainable Investing platform team was launched in 2015 to unify BlackRock’s approach to sustainable investing and serve investors who seek solutions that deliver targeted sustainability outcomes. Since then, the team has built out a global suite of sustainable investment strategies, ranging across asset classes, vehicles, and investment styles. We work closely with both teams to align with the LGPS’ investment and sustainability strategies.
Find out more here - Sustainable & transition investing with BlackRock
With a challenging economic outlook, investors need to understand the drivers of portfolio returns and apply the right blend across index and alpha strategies to build resilient portfolios.
As a core strategic building block, alternatives bring diversification and long-term risk adjusted returns to the well-balanced portfolio of the future.
Find out more here - A Guide to Alternative Investing | BlackRock
At BlackRock, our approach to index investing is anything but passive. We understand that investors today demand more efficient returns and innovative ways to use index strategies.
Find out more here - https://www.blackrock.com/uk/professionals/solutions/index-investing
For professional clients only.
Our case for UK Equities
Luke: Hi, I’m Luke Chappell
Sam: Hi, I’m Sam Brownlee
Luke: When I started my career in UK equities in 1990, pension funds and insurance companies owned half of all UK listed shares and that has meaningfully reduced, driven by legislation, regulation and accounting standards - now just 4% of UK listed shares are owned by pensions. (Source HSBC, ONS 30th April 2024)
Three decades of persistent selling should be coming to an end - Is that enough though to improve the outlook – where’s the marginal buyer coming from?
Companies are buying themselves – share buy-backs are shrinking the market every year - and the UK offers a relatively high dividend yield. (Source HSBC, ONS 30th April 2024)
And companies are buying other companies – M & A has been seen across many market sectors – Banks, Mining, Housebuilders, Insurance, Technology - and, whilst some deals haven’t reached fruition, they have highlighted the attractive valuations in the UK market
We don’t expect accounting standards to change, insurance regulation to be undone, or the Pensions Act to be overturned, but we have seen greater political scrutiny of the allocation by public pension schemes to UK equities. (Source: Morningstar, Budget Pensions news article, 6 March 2024)
And we should see buyers from overseas, attracted by the valuation discount at which many UK shares trade relative to their global equivalents; but lowly valuations haven’t been enough to attract buyers in recent years, so what’s different now?
Sam: Brexit has created headwinds for companies – regardless of the view of the outcome or the economic impact, this has increased (the perception of) sterling volatility and hence the cost of equity – and that might change for the better with a period of political stability
This matters more for some businesses than others – it shouldn’t impact a high quality analytics company or large pharmaceutical business at all whereas it’s clearly more important for a domestic bank
And there are some better signs for the UK: economic surprises are positive, household incomes in aggregate continue to grow in real terms with consumer confidence making new highs; and investment has been boosted by fiscal incentives
We now feel more than ever that the UK market is ripe for stock picking
The UK market is concentrated both at the stock and sector level
Our preference is to focus on long term growth compounders – quality businesses that thrive in all environments.
Risk Warnings
Investors should refer to the prospectus or offering documentation for the (fund’s/funds’) full list of risks.
Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.
Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to diminish or increase. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of a higher volatility fund and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Levels and basis of taxation may change from time to time and depend on personal individual circumstances.
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Our case for UK Equities
Hear from Luke Chappell and Samantha Brownlee, Co-Portfolio Managers on BlackRock’s UK Fundamental Equities platform.