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MyMap ready-made portfolios

Whatever your plan for the future is, we’re ready when you are.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the full capital originally invested.


Funds that match up with investing goals and preferences

Each investor has a different story, and we are steadfast partners to our clients in the UK because we listen to every one of them. Our full range of funds is one way we’re helping more investors build solid financial futures.

Buying shares for the long term

When you invest in an equity, you buy a share in a company and become a shareholder. Equities are typically best for the long-term - usually defined as a period of 5-10 years - This timeframe allows retail investors to better navigate market fluctuations and potentially benefit from higher rewards over time.

Fixed income
Seeking stable, lower risk returns

Fixed income securities, or bonds, are issued by companies and governments as a way of raising money. They’re basically an ‘I.O.U’ – designed to provide a regular stream of income (which is normally a fixed amount) over a specified period of time.

Diversifying your portfolio

A multi-asset strategy combines different types of assets – stocks, bonds, real estate, or cash for example – to create a more nimble and broadly diversified portfolio. Fund managers will balance asset classes to achieve particular investment objectives.

Driven by diverse sources of returns

While traditional assets like stocks and bonds are traded on the public markets, alternative investment strategies such as infrastructure, and private credit are less sensitive to the movements of global markets.

Bank accounts aren’t the only option

If you're looking for better rates of return on deposits than you’d get in an ordinary bank account, cash funds may be a great option. They often invest in very short-term bonds known as ‘money market instruments’, which are essentially banks lending money to each other. Short-term investments are typically defined as a period of up to 12 months.

Investing that works for everyone

Fifty years of indexing have proven investing doesn’t need to be expensive, or complex. There’s quite literally an index fund for every market exposure and investment strategy you could possibly need, which means more opportunities for more investors. 

2024 People & Money Report

We teamed up with YouGov to better understand the trends shaping the present and future of investing across the UK. Find out more about the trends shaping investing in the UK.
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