Sustainability Disclosure Requirements

This Company does not have a UK sustainable investment label. Sustainable investment labels help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal. The Company does not use a sustainability label because whilst the Company applies environmental, social or governance ("ESG") commitments within its investment process, the Company does not have a specific sustainability goal and the investment strategy of the Company means it is not able to meet the criteria of any sustainability label. Sustainable investment labels help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal. FCA website

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About this investment trust

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

The Company’s investment objective is to provide an attractive level of income together with capital appreciation over the long term, whilst incorporating the ESG commitments described in the Company’s investment policy.

Why choose it?

The Trust’s managers aim to select high quality, income generative companies from across North America. In a lower growth world, the Trust aims to uncover dynamic companies with the power to compound growth over many years.

Suited to…

Investors looking for a carefully selected, sustainable, actively managed portfolio of North American businesses, designed to deliver long-term income and capital growth.

What are the risks?

  • Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
  • Overseas investment will be affected by movements in currency exchange rates.
  • Net Asset Value (NAV) performance is not the same as share price performance, and shareholders may realise returns that are lower or higher than NAV performance.
  • Investment strategies, such as borrowing, used by the Trust can result in even larger losses suffered when the value of the underlying investments fall.
  • The Trust may use derivatives to aim to generate more income. This may reduce the potential for capital growth.
  • Investors in this Trust should understand that capital growth is not a priority and values may fluctuate and the level of income may vary from time to time and is not guaranteed.
  • The Trust uses derivatives as part of its investment strategy. Compared to a fund which only invests in traditional instruments such as stocks and bonds, derivatives are potentially subject to a higher level of risk.
Image of a target board
Investment strategies targeting growth and income.
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Decades of proven experience running investment trusts since 1992.
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Unparalleled research capabilities and experienced stock pickers.
To get in touch contact us on:
Telephone: 020 7743 3000