25 Nov 2013

BlackRock Global Allocation Team

The United States is likely on the verge of an energy revolution. While energy independence has long been an American political priority, it is only recently that the energy industry’s technology, vision and effort have moved it closer to reality. The implications for the U.S. economy are substantial, as are the potential opportunities for investors. The go-anywhere BlackRock Global Allocation team has taken note, and shares some observations:

  • Increased energy production and the associated infrastructure build will likely contribute meaningfully to U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and jobs growth.
  • For investors, the opportunities are not limited to energy stocks. The revolution could also result in transformative changes in sectors such as utilities and transportation.
  • The revolution in U.S. energy is already supporting the U.S. dollar, helping to return its status as a store of value.


US Energy Production Level




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