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Capital at risk. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed.
Risk: The value of equities and equity-related securities can be affected by daily stock market movements. Other influential factors include political, economic news, company earnings and significant corporate events.
Our fundamental equity investors build portfolios company by company, digging deep to assess the core merits of individual businesses and gain a thorough understanding of their long-term potential. The goal: outperforming the market by constructing a diversified portfolio of fundamentally sound companies that are priced right for their prospects.
Our Systematic Active Equity (SAE) investors and researchers use proprietary techniques to seek insights with the aim of delivering consistent, differentiated outperformance. In an age in which we are overloaded with information, the ability to process large amounts of data by using systematic, quantitative techniques can create a considerable advantage.
Our thematic investing strategies focus on long-term trends rather than specific companies or sectors, enabling investors to identify future drivers of return. Five mega forces shape the core of our thematic investing philosophy: demographic divergence, digital disruption and AI, a fragmenting world, future of finance and low-carbon transition.
ETFs and index funds have profoundly changed the way investors build and manage portfolios. Indexing can also reduce your active risk allowing you to deploy elsewhere, provides additional liquidity and transparency for an improved understanding of return drivers.