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Index Investing

At BlackRock, our approach to index investing is anything but passive. We understand that investors today demand more efficient returns and innovative ways to use index strategies.

Why BlackRock for index investing?

BlackRock seeks to provide cost-effective access for institutional clients’ desired market exposures through both widely used and customized benchmarks, all through our proprietary, in-house Aladdin technology. In addition to core allocations, clients use our flexible platform of index strategies for a range of investment needs, including risk management, tactical adjustments and cash equitization.

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Our flexible range of strategies are designed to meet your needs today and in the future.
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We are focused on delivering optimal tracking, consistent returns and lowering the total cost of ownership.
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Our investment track record spans four decades led us to be entrusted with US$7.75 trillion of assets under management1.

Learn more about index investing at BlackRock

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BlackRock’s Index investing capabilities

With US$7.75 trillion in indexed assets, BlackRock is a global leader in index investing.
Over 2,500 funds
managed against 900+ benchmarks
Exposures available across vehicles
Including pooled, separately managed accounts and exchange traded
Breadth of platform
Strategies across market-cap weighted, index “plus,” ESG, smart beta and asset allocation

Distribution by asset class (%)

Chart of BlackRock’s index distribution by asset class.

Source: BlackRock, as of September 31, 2019.

iShares ETFs seek to help institutions navigate portfolio challenges

ETFs and index investing are an increasingly integral part of the investment process for institutional investors. They are changing the way institutions construct portfolios, fine-tune risk, and manage operational tasks.
iShares ETFs seek to help institutions navigate portfolio challenges