Plants in red pots

Fundamental Equities

Market returns are not always enough to meet portfolio objectives. BlackRock Fundamental Equities, a comprehensive active investing organization, is tireless in pursuit of more. With decades of experience and a local presence around the world, our investors bring deep expertise and bottom-up insight that powers our mission to generate alpha.

Benefits of a fundamental approach

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Company-level engagement and expertise
Rigorous research and selection process leads to thoroughly vetted, high-conviction investments - and portfolios that can offer returns differentiated from indexes.
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Investment flexibility
Ability to exercise discretion and react to changing market conditions helps fundamental investors to nimbly capture opportunities and manage risks as they arise.
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Enhanced diversification and return potential
Powerful complement to index strategies, helping to enhance return outcomes, diversify risk and target long-term objectives.
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“Always-on” risk management
Embedded risk management tools and technology to ensure risks taken are deliberate, diversified and properly scaled.
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Drawdowns can actually be a great time to buy, provided you have strong conviction in a company’s fundamentals. When it comes to the stock market, a rising tide can lift all boats.

But when the tide drops, those boats can go with it. As equity investors, we’re opportunistic. We see through the storm.

We know that stock prices can change much more rapidly than company fundamentals, creating temporary mispricings. We seek to capitalize on that.

So really the question is: Which companies have the strongest fundamentals?

Our Fundamental Equities teams have unparalleled insight and the agility to identify those companies that can rise to the top when the tides turn. [At 0:56 mark, on-screen disclosure: There is no guarantee that positive results will occur and may incur a loss.]

An active approach to long-term growth in equities

Active investors see opportunity in all markets ― even turbulent ones. Volatility offers stock pickers the prospect to capitalize on dispersion and inefficiencies within and across individual stocks and sectors. Carrie King, U.S. and Developed Markets CIO of Fundamental Equities, offers perspective shaped by a 30-year equity investing career.

Our investment platform

We recognize the complex needs of our clients. Our extensive range of fundamental equity solutions is designed to address those diverse needs and deliver differentiated outcomes. Examples of how our strategies might fit in a portfolio include:
Return enhancer
For investors seeking outperformance versus a policy benchmark
For yield-focused investors who are also seeking equity upside and exposure to quality
Downside mitigation
For investors seeking total return outcomes with downside mitigation
Sustainable outcomes
For investors seeking sustainably focused portfolios that align with their values and aim to provide alpha upside
Over 70 strategies designed to meet diverse client needs and deliver differentiated outcomes
More than 240 investment professionals across 15 distinct teams with deep domain expertise
More than 20 team leaders with average experience of 26 years

BlackRock Fundamental Equities

Core strengths


Profound curiosity, deep conviction

We believe people are the difference. Curiosity is uniquely human―and profoundly individual. Deep idiosyncratic insights are strengthened through a culture of diversity, collaboration and ideation in the common pursuit of alpha-rich investing ideas.


Active edge, sustainable outcomes

We believe in outcomes over indexes. Our processes are deliberate, time-tested and risk-aware, all in the mission to achieve sustainable, above-market results. We seek meaningful innovation to ensure our portfolios are always aligned with client needs.


Astute, diverse, panoramic

We believe great ideas know no borders. BlackRock’s culture of collaboration and debate across asset classes, investment disciplines, markets and geographies creates an unrivalled collective intelligence that enhances our investment decision-making.


Long-term lens, risk-aware results

We believe wealth is developed across time. We are investors, not traders. We want to identify and share in the success of those companies we believe can outgrow the market―and generate wealth for our clients over the long term.


Philip Vasan
Deputy Head of the Portfolio Management Group & Co-Head of Fundamental Equities
Becci McKinley-Rowe
Co-Head of Fundamental Equities
Tony DeSpirito
Global Chief Investment Officer of Fundamental Equities

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