BlackRock Investment Institute

Transition to a low-carbon economy

The transition to a low-carbon economy – one of the five mega forces that we track – is set to spur a massive reallocation of capital as energy systems are rewired.


On this page you can learn more about our framework for tracking the transition and explore our recent research. Click the button below to read our latest report taking stock of developments over the last year.

Satellite image of a hurricane

A massive reallocation of capital

The transition to a low-carbon economy is set to spur a massive reallocation of capital as energy systems are rewired. We see the transition’s speed and shape driven by an interplay of policy, technology, and consumer and investor preferences.

The low-carbon transition is unfolding at different speeds across countries and sectors, in our view. And election outcomes in 2024 are triggering shifts in energy, industrial and trade policies. We are closely watching how those policies intersect with rapid technological change to alter the transition path and investment opportunities from here.

Colliding mega forces

We believe the low-carbon transition is one of several mega forces driving a global economic transformation, reminiscent of past technological revolutions. The energy system sits at the crosscurrents of many of these mega forces – like the rise of AI and its growing energy needs and geopolitical fragmentation that’s leading to strategic competition in the field of energy technology and critical commodities.

Our latest report looks at how this collision of mega forces is shaping the low-carbon transition and changing the investment landscape.

Access the report (for professional investors)

Energy at the core

Illustration of how energy sits at the crosscurrents

The illustrations shows how the energy system sits at the intersection of mega forces and government priorities

For illustrative purposes only. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute, December 2024. This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding any funds, strategy or security in particular.

Rising global power demand

Estimated annual additional power demand growth

The chart shows estimates of annual power demand with and without data centers

Forward-looking estimates may not come to pass. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute, with data from the International Energy Agency, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Schneider, Semianalytics, Bernstein, McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, and BlackRock’s Global Infrastructure and Fundamental Equities team, December 2024. Notes: This chart shows the estimated additional power demand per year between 2023 and 2030. The global total marginal power demand includes sectoral power demand data from the IEA’s World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2024 in the Stated Policy Scenario, October 2024. The median power demand for data centers is calculated by the BlackRock Investment Institute using data from the third-party sources mentioned, as of May 2024. Data center power demand includes those from traditional data centers and artificial intelligence (AI) computing/dedicated AI data centers and excludes consumption from cryptocurrencies and data transmission networks. Data centers demand estimates noted as supply are based on assumptions of GPU shipments, and those noted as demand estimates are based on retail market demand.

Tracking the transition

We have developed the BlackRock Investment Institute Transition Scenario (BIITS) to inform an assessment, on behalf of clients, of how the low-carbon transition is most likely to play out based on what we know and expect today – and the potential portfolio impact. We aim to track its evolution over time, similar to how we plan to track other mega forces.

We expect tipping points when the relative costs of low-carbon technology fall below those of incumbent sources and when barriers to adoption are low. These tipping points arrive at different times across regions and sectors, resulting in an uneven and multispeed transition, in our view.

Learn more about the framework (for professional investors only)

Emerging markets are pivotal to the global transition to a low-carbon economy but face a shortfall in investment relative to developed economies. Reforms to plug that shortfall could present both opportunities and risks for investors, in our view. Learn more:

Access the report (for professional investors)

We see opportunities as investors pay more attention to climate resilience as an investment theme. Climate resilience refers to the ability to prepare for, adapt to and withstand climate hazards and to rebuild better after climate-related damages. Learn more:

Download PDF report 

Growth and inflation

We expect inflationary pressures in coming years as higher energy prices combine with increasing capital spending — though this effect may dissipate over time as low-carbon technology costs decline.

We see the growth impact dominated by physical climate damages – and expect this to bolster climate resilience to those damages as a key investment theme. The impact on portfolios depends not only on the timing and size of these shifts but also when markets price them in.

Investment implications

We see opportunities across the energy system — high-carbon and low — to get in front of shifts before markets. The BIITS offers investors a compass to help navigate the transition’s risks and opportunities. It’s our clients’ choice whether to use it in their investment processes. We recognize views on the transition differ.

Building the transformation

Mega forces, or structural shifts like the rise of artificial intelligence, are reshaping economies. Learn more about our big investment calls for 2025.
An aerial photo shows a handful of cars driving over water on a multi-lane highway that diverges in three directions.

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