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Investing on Current Offer Documents
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iShares ETFs
Return of Capital and Performance
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Distribution Summary and Fund Payment Information
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The material on this website provides general information only and is not intended to represent general or specific investment or professional advice. No direct or implicit recommendations are given in the material. This means that the information provided has not been prepared taking into account your individual financial circumstances (i.e. your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs). You should therefore assess whether the information is appropriate to your individual financial circumstances before making an investment decision. You can either assess the information yourself or seek the help of an adviser.
Accuracy and Currency of Information
BlackRock Australia, its officers, employees, agents and associates believe that the information and material provided on this website is correct at the time of compilation but do not warrant the accuracy or currency of that information and material. You should carefully check the date of compilation of the information and material (where relevant) to determine its currency. Save for statutory liability which cannot be excluded, BlackRock Australia, its officers, employees, agents, related body corporate and associates disclaim all responsibility for any loss or damage which any person may suffer from reliance on the information and material on this website or any opinion, conclusion or recommendation in the information and material whether the loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence on the part of BlackRock Australia (including its officers, employees, agents, related body corporate and associates) or otherwise.
All performance figures contained in this website are sourced from internal and other sources as appropriate. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and are not guaranteed.
Investing on Current Offer Documents
BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited ABN 13 006 165 975 (AFS Licence No 230523) ("BlackRock Australia") is the responsible entity for the Australian managed investment funds (including the Australian iShares ETFs, see section titled “iShares ETFs” below for further information) registered under the Corporations Act offered by BlackRock Australia. BlackRock Australia is the local agent and intermediary for the International iShares ETFs (see section titled “iShares ETFs” below for further information), issued by iShares, Inc. ARBN 125632 279 formed in Maryland, USA and iShares Trust ARBN 125 632 411 organised in Delaware, USA (“iShares”). The International iShares ETFs are registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Investments into any fund detailed on this website may only be made on the basis of an application form contained in, or accompanying a current Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Disclosure Document/Information Memorandum or Prospectus (collectively “Offer Documents”). Offer Documents for any BlackRock Australia fund detailed on this website are available from BlackRock Australia, or, in certain circumstances, can be downloaded from the website as a PDF file. You should consider the relevant Offer Document in deciding whether to acquire or to continue to hold the product. If you would like a printed paper copy of an Offer Document, please call us on 1300 366 100 or alternatively, where available, you can download an electronic PDF copy from the website.
Offer Documents on this website are only intended for use by Australian residents. They have been prepared under Australian law and do not directly or indirectly amount to an offer in any other place other than Australia.
Interests in certain funds are accessible through investor directed portfolio services ("IDPS Accessible Funds") and are offered in a PDS available on this website. Please read and consider the relevant PDS carefully before deciding to invest. Please note that persons intending to invest in the IDPS Accessible Funds will need to complete the applicable forms for the relevant service.
Generally, units/shares of iShares ETFs may only be created or redeemed directly from an iShares ETF by authorised participants (typically large institutions investors) in very large creation/redemption sizes. Other investors wishing to access iShares ETF may do so via each fund’s listing on a market of the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") through a brokerage account. Transaction costs are incurred when buying or selling iShares ETF securities on ASX markets and brokerage commissions if such trades are done through a broker. iShares securities trade on ASX at market price (not at net asset value ("NAV")). Before investing in an iShares ETF, you should carefully consider whether such products are appropriate for you, read the applicable iShares ETF prospectus or PDS, which are available from BlackRock Australia or can be downloaded from the website in PDF format, and consult an investment adviser.
In respect of information relating to iShares ETFs listed on a market of the ASX, ASX takes no responsibility for any aspect of this website or any decision to invest in an iShares ETFs. The admission by ASX of an issuer of an iShares ETF is in no way an endorsement by ASX of the issuer or of iShares ETF securities.
BlackRock Fund Advisors ("BFA") serves as an advisor to the International iShares ETFs. BFA is a subsidiary of BlackRock institutions Trust Company, N.A. ("BTC"). BTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc.. Information regarding foreign companies is provided solely to inform Australian residents of the role each of these foreign companies have in the International iShares ETFs listed on the ASX. Content is general in nature only.
Trades on the ASX in the shares of an International iShares ETFs are settled using CHESS Depositary Interests ("CDIs"). An investment in an International iShares ETF involves investing in international markets. In addition to the normal investment risks associated with investment type products, international investments may involve the risk of losing all or part of any capital from unfavourable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. An investment in emerging markets and single countries may also involve heightened other risks such as increased volatility and the possibility of lower trading volume.
Return of Capital and Performance
None of BlackRock Australia, their associates, related body corporate and subsidiaries guarantees the success of any fund, or repayment of capital nor any particular rate of return on income or of capital. Investment type products are subject to investment risk, including delays in repayment.
Important Information from Index Providers
MSCI and the MSCI Index are trademarks and servicemarks of MSCI Inc. ("MSCI"). Standard & Poor's® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's ("S&P"), a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ("McGraw-Hill"). ASX® is a registered trademark of ASX Operations Pty Limited ("ASX Operations") and has been licensed for use to S&P. The "Russell Index" is a trademark of Russell Investment Group ("Russell"). "FTSE®" is a trademark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange Plc and The Financial Times Limited and is used by FTSE International Limited ("FTSE") under license. The FTSE China 50 Index is calculated by FTSE.
Where applicable, the funds referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by MSCI, S&P, McGraw-Hill, ASX Operations (including its affiliates), Russell or FTSE. Each of these companies has licensed the use of their respective trademarks and servicemarks to BlackRock institutions Trust Company, N.A. None of these companies make any representation, warranty or condition regarding the advisability of buying, selling or holding shares or units in the funds.
Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively, "Bloomberg") are not affiliated with BlackRock Australia and do not approve, endorse, review, or recommend iShares Composite Bond ETF, iShares Government Inflation ETF or iShares Treasury ETF. BLOOMBERG and the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index℠, Bloomberg AusBond Inflation Government Index℠ and Bloomberg AusBond Treasury Index℠ are trademarks or servicemarks of Bloomberg and have been licensed to BlackRock Australia. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information relating to the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index℠, Bloomberg AusBond Inflation Government Index℠ and Bloomberg AusBond Treasury Index℠.
The relevant Offer Documents contain a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI, S&P, McGraw-Hill, ASX Operations (including its affiliates), Russell, FTSE or Bloomberg has with BlackRock and any related funds.
Distribution Summary and Fund Payment Information
Under new legislative provisions, applicable from distributions for the year ended 30 June 2009, BlackRock Australia is required to disclose certain information to comply with the new withholding tax rules in relation to non-residents. Please consult your tax advisor to understand if and how the new disclosures may apply to you. The distribution details contained in these documents are estimates only.
Actual distribution information will be forwarded shortly after 30 June each year. The estimates are provided to you in good faith and have been derived from sources, materials and systems believed to be accurate and the best available at the time of the distribution. BlackRock Australia makes no representations and disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to you or any third party, including but not limited to, representations, and warranties regarding accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the estimate. In no event shall BlackRock Australia or any member of the BlackRock group of companies be liable for any damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the use of, or reliance upon, the estimate by the recipient. A recipient must not provide distribution estimates to any third party unless consent is obtained from BlackRock Australia and they are accompanied by this disclaimer.
This information does not constitute general or personal financial product advice, nor does it constitute taxation advice. Investors should seek professional financial and taxation advice before making any investment decision. Please note that past distributions are not indicative of future distributions.
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Interactive Data Real Time Services
Certain information relating to iShares ETFs provided by Interactive Data Real Time Services ("Interactive Data") and its affiliates (the "Interactive Data Information") is owned by or licensed to Interactive Data and its affiliates. You are only permitted to use such Interactive Data Information for your own personal use. In no event shall you publish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise reproduce any Interactive Data Information in any format to anyone, and you shall not use any Interactive Data Information in or in connection with any business or commercial enterprise, including, without limitation, any securities, investment, accounting, banking, legal or media business or enterprise.
Prior to the execution of an iShares ETF security trade based upon the Interactive Data Information, you are advised to consult with your broker or other financial representative to verify pricing information.
The estimated NAV is indicative only, and the iShares ETFs are not open for transactions based on this price estimate. BlackRock Australia, its officers, employees and agents believe that the estimated NAV is correct as at its date of publication. While every care has been taken in the provision of the estimated NAV, BlackRock Australia makes no representations and disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to you or any third party, including but not limited to, representations, and warranties regarding accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the estimated NAV. Except where contrary to law, in no event shall BlackRock Australia or any member of the BlackRock group of companies be liable for any damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the use of, or reliance upon, the estimated NAV.
This website includes certain web pages that provide access to information, data, analyses, reports, tools, and opinions (defined as “material”) that are provided by Morningstar Australasia Pty Limited ABN: 95 090 665 544, AFSL: 240892 and/or Morningstar Research Pty Ltd ABN 83 062 096 342, AFSL 243161 (both subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc.). BlackRock Australia, its officers, employees and agents believe that the material is correct as at its date of publication. While every care has been taken in the provision of the material, BlackRock Australia makes no representations and disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to you or any third party, including but not limited to, representations, and warranties regarding accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the material. In no event shall BlackRock Australia or any member of the BlackRock group of companies be liable for any damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with your use of, or reliance upon, the material.
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You cannot rely on the material as a guarantee against loss of capital nor as an assurance that an investment approach based on the material will be successful. BlackRock Australia does not provide finance advice.
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BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit www.blackrock.com/corporate