Albert Matriotti

Albert Matriotti

Co-Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager, Hedge Fund Solutions

Albert Matriotti, Managing Director, is the Co-Chief Investment Officer for the Hedge Fund Solutions (HFS) team within BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies and Solutions (MASS) group. The HFS team has been building and managing portfolios of hedge funds since 1995 and is one of the world’s largest allocators to hedge funds. He is also a member of the HFS Investment Committee, a Portfolio Manager, and the Chair of the Portfolio Management Group (PMG) for the Multi-Alternatives Liquid Trades (MALT) program.


Albert’s service with the firm dates to 2002, including his years with Quellos Group, LLC, which was acquired by BlackRock in 2007.


Albert earned a BA degree in business administration with a concentration in finance from Seattle University.


Multi-Asset Strategies & Solutions (MASS) meets client demand for active asset allocation strategies and whole portfolio solutions through funds, outsourcing institutional mandates (OCIO), model portfolios, and more. MASS draws on the toolkit of BlackRock's index, factor, and alpha-seeking capabilities to deliver cutting-edge insights and precise investment outcomes.