Meet your clients on their total wealth needs by taking a holistic approach to portfolio management.

Understand the bigger picture with Aladdin Wealth™ analytics and help align portfolio goals with clients’ intended outcomes.​

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Deliver transparent insights

Provide clients with detailed reports to show how they’re positioned today and how proposed changes can get them closer to their investment objectives.
Black and Purple color Circle

Analyze the whole portfolio

Understand your clients’ exposures and risks across all assets to see their impact on the whole portfolio.
Blue and aqua color pie chart

Stress test portfolios

Simulate real-world scenarios to facilitate timely discussions and action plans for the expected and the unexpected.
Volcano icon

Build proposals​

Evaluate “what-if” changes in a client portfolio context with portfolio construction tools that can accommodate client preferences while respecting firm guidelines.

Our tools can help you build proposals, from identification to implementation, based on your clients’ needs.
Green color wrench

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