Aladdin Wealth™ technology supports the client proposal generation process from identification to implementation, helping wealth managers delight clients and win more business.

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Aladdin Wealth™ technology can support your client proposal generation process from identification to implementation.

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Pinpoint your clients and prospects with detailed insights dashboards, alerts, and support for central office guidance.
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Create your own personalized client recommendations with deep analytics to help align your clients to their goals.
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Highlight the benefits of your proposed portfolio changes with compelling, client friendly reports.
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Add relevant information like trade reason to client approved-proposals prior to executing in your order management system.

When building proposals for your clients, our technology can deliver your ideas with configuration options driven by your firm’s needs.

Bespoke Proposals

Our bespoke proposal technology provides advisors the freedom and flexibility to create proposals from scratch, edit portfolios or use home office, third party, and custom models, underscored by institutional-quality analytics to support their decision-making process.
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Whatever your approach, benefit from these features

  • Our technology empowers advisors to create proposals based on criteria and constraints defined by your firm and your clients. Your inputs, your decisions, making it easy to share with your clients.

  • Understand your clients’ exposures and risks end-to-end across public and private assets to see their impact on the whole portfolio.

  • Construct proposals using our technology at any level of your clients’ portfolios — the household, individual client, account, or sleeve.

  • Help ensure your portfolios adhere to the regulatory frameworks, guidelines, and investment policies set by your firm. Review checks in real time, with live, rules-based feedback during portfolio construction to avoid creating proposals that may be unsuitable for certain clients before sending downstream to your OMS for execution.

  • Harness the power of a portfolio calculation engine that utilizes inputs defined and supplied by your firm to produce a proposed portfolio aligned to your clients’ goals.

  • Build informed recommendations and conviction around key portfolio changes to align to market events and your clients’ goals, using a vast library of analytical content spanning asset allocation, detailed sector breakdown views, risks, stress scenarios, wealth projections, returns, and more.

  • Our technology enables advisors to present data in a way that clients can connect with, generating content and talking points that save valuable time and align to your firm’s value proposition.