Featured key content

Component name: Featured article with Related material

Component name: Featured article with Related material

Rules and recommendations

A. Featured article component:
Use the highlight section of this component to feature a secondary, related & timely piece that continues on the path of the main topic.
A1. Use the secondary content container to feature a relevant podcast or highlight related evergreen material.

Editable: tile background color

Featured article specs

B. Related material component:
Use this section to highlight tertiary related content.

Fixed tile color sequence - can’t swap

Related material specs


Additional component option: Dynamic article

In lieue of either one or both components listed above, you have the flexibility to switch them out for our Dynamic article list component.

Additional component option: Dynamic article

Rules and recommendations

A. Dynamic article component:
Use this option if you need to include a date, author, or description for the related insight/article.

Editable: Image usage is optional for this component

Dynamic article specs