Trade Association Memberships

BlackRock belongs to a number of trade associations that advocate for and shape public policy positions that are important to the asset management industry and the global business community. Trade associations also provide educational, training and professional networking opportunities for their members. BlackRock participates in these associations for such opportunities and to help build consensus on issues that we believe will serve investors, increase shareholder value and facilitate responsible economic growth. We do not control these organizations, and our membership and participation in these organizations are not an endorsement of all their activities and positions. Accordingly, there may be instances where specific positions diverge from those of BlackRock.

Below is a list of the principal U.S. trade associations to which we belong as well as those U.S. trade associations to which we paid in excess of $25,000 in 2023 for membership fees and/or dues.1 This list has been prepared in good faith and is for general information purposes only. Variances in payment and fee schedules may impact the accuracy of the information presented, and this list should not be taken as definitive. This list is updated annually.

  • American Council on Renewable Energy
  • American Clean Power Association
  • Business Roundtable
  • Council of the Americas Inc.
  • Council on State Taxation
  • Clean Energy Buyers Association
  • Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association
  • Georgia Chamber of Commerce
  • Insured Retirement Institute
  • Institute of International Finance
  • International Swap and Derivatives Association
  • Investment Company Institute
  • Loan Syndications and Trading Association
  • Managed Funds Association
  • Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
  • Money Management Institute
  • National Minority Supplier Development Council
  • Partnership for New York City
  • San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
  • Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (Asset Management Group)
  • Urban Land Institute
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce

BlackRock periodically reviews our memberships in these trade associations, and the positions they support, to evaluate whether there is alignment between our views on public policy matters we consider material to our efforts to serve our investors and clients.

Where we identify a significant inconsistency on a material strategic policy issue, we will discuss and review our options with respect to such organization, including the benefits and challenges associated with our continued membership. Actions that we may take to address material misalignment include engagement with the trade association, clarifying BlackRock’s position through public statements or consideration of the termination of our membership in the trade association.

Additionally, we instruct these organizations2 to refrain from using any portion of BlackRock’s membership dues or fees to make contributions or expenditures, or engage in any activity, in support of, or opposition to, any federal, state or local candidate campaign, party committee, political committee or other political organization exempt from federal income taxes under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.