BlackRock Investment Stewardship

BlackRock's Investment Stewardship team is core to BlackRock's role as a fiduciary and asset manager. As stewards of our clients' assets, we are committed to constructive, long-term-focused engagement with the companies our clients are invested in.

Supporting long-term financial value creation

BlackRock Investment Stewardship (BIS) serves as a link between our clients and the companies they invest in and is one of the ways we fulfill our fiduciary responsibilities as an asset manager to our clients. We do this through engaging with companies, proxy voting on clients’ behalf, contributing to industry dialogue on stewardship, and reporting on our activities.

Convo bubbles
How we build our understanding of a company’s approach to corporate governance and business risks and opportunities.
Proxy voting
How we signal our support for or raise our concerns over a company’s corporate governance or business model.
Education cap
Thought Leadership
How we share our perspective on topical and emerging stewardship issues that may impact clients’ financial interests as long-term investors.
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Stewardship statistics
How we provide insight and transparency into the actions we are taking on behalf of clients on a quarterly basis.

Promoting sound corporate governance and resilient business models

Engagement is core to our stewardship efforts. Our engagement priorities reflect the five themes on which we most frequently engage companies, where they are relevant and a source of material business risk or opportunity.

  • Board quality and effectiveness

Our investment stewardship efforts have always started with the board and executive leadership. The performance of the board is critical to the long-term financial success of a company and the protection of shareholders’ economic interests.

Learn more about our approach

  • Strategy, purpose, and financial resilience

We engage on long-term corporate strategy, purpose and financial resilience to understand how boards and management are aligning their business decision-making with the company’s purpose and adjusting strategy and/or capital allocation plans as necessary as business dynamics change.

Learn more about our approach

Financial resilience in a new economic regime

  • Incentives aligned with financial value creation

Executive compensation is an important tool to drive long-term financial value creation by incentivizing and rewarding the successful delivery of strategy goals and financial outperformance against peers. In our view, it is important for companies to make clear in their disclosures the connection between compensation policies and outcomes and the financial interests of long-term shareholders.

Learn more about our approach

  • Climate and natural capital

BIS engages with companies to better understand their approach to, and oversight of, material climate-related risks and opportunities as well as how they manage material natural capital impacts and dependencies, in the context of their business model and sector.

Read more on climate-related risk

Read more on natural capital

Our Climate Focus Universe

2020: Our participation in Climate Action 100+

2024: BlackRock International participation in Climate Action 100+

  • Company impacts on people

In our experience, companies that invest in the relationships that are critical to their ability to meet their strategic objectives are more likely to deliver durable, long-term financial performance. By contrast, poor relationships may create adverse impacts that could expose companies to legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risks.

See more on human capital management

Read more on human rights

Read our full engagement priorities

Stewardship efforts at a glance


BIS had 3,500+ engagements with companies during the 2023-24 proxy year

companies engaged

BIS engaged with 2,400+ unique companies across 47 markets during the 2023-24 proxy year

shareholder meetings

BIS voted at 18,000+ shareholder meetings during the 2023-24 proxy year

proposals voted

Out of the 169,200+ proposals BIS voted on during the 2023-24 proxy year, less than 1% were shareholder proposals

Source: BlackRock. ISS. Sourced on August 5, 2024, reflecting data from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

BIS content library

We are committed to transparency in our investment stewardship activities. It is important to us that our clients understand how the work we do on their behalf aligns with their economic interests. Below is a library of our policies, reports, thought leadership pieces, and vote bulletins.

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To request an engagement please submit a request through CorpAxe

For all other inquiries please contact the team at