Cookies on our websites

Necessary Cookies
Cookie Name Source Type Retention Purpose


Akamai Necessary Session These cookies are used to analyse traffic to determine if it is automated traffic generated by bots or a human user in order to protect our sites from bot intrusions. (Akamai BotMan)


Akamai Necessary Session This cookie is associated with Akamai and is used to differentiate between traffic from humans and bots.
ASP.Net_SessionId_Guest BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is used to identify the users' session on the server.
ATS BlackRock Necssary Session ATS (account tiny stub) cookie is a planner site admin cookie.


BlackRock Necessary 0 days This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.
BlackRock Necessary 0 days Captcha cookie for forms
TCP Capital Necessary 0 days Captcha cookie for forms
DT BlackRock Necessary 1 year This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.
language BlackRock Necessary 0 days This cookie is used to enable translations on the site. 
t BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.
_xsrfXXXX BlackRock Necessary Session This is a prevention cookie. It is used to eliminate Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF or CSRF) attacks.
XSRF-TOKEN BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
eventguestside-service-session BlackRock Necessary Session Authentication and retention of session data


BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is used to ensure the client browser will hit the same instance of the service, it supports SignalR connection stable and memory cache.


TCP Capital Necessary 1 year This is a Cloudflare cookie that is used to detect user clients that are suspected to be bots.


BlackRock Necessary 0 days Short lived cookie to test browser's cookie functionality, not user-specific and removed immediately



BlackRock Necessary Session The cookie is used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server.


BlackRock Necessary 2 Months This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each cookie category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given.


Adobe Necessary Session Used by Adobe Target to check if cookies are enabled/supported on the browser


Adobe Necessary Session This cookie is associated with the Adobe Site Catalyst. It determines whether cookies are enabled in the web browser.
cmx-portal-cmb-blue-dest BlackRock Necessary 1 day This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.
cookietest BlackRock / Qualtrics Necessary Session Checks if the browser is set to block or allow cookies.


BlackRock Necessary 1 year Represent various strings of cookies used for site browsing preferences like language and investor / visitor type as well as the acceptance tracking of mandatory site entry disclaimers to display the correct site version to the user.
EncryptCookie BlackRock Necessary 0 days This cookie is associated with F5's BIG-IP product set and is an integral part of load balancing. It is used to store the user's session in order to identify it in the application's traffic.
_vapi BlackRock Necessary Session Cookie that contains a session identifier used to authenticate the use and deliver different APIs related to Tealium functionality.
AllowAnalytics BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is used to check if Adobe is enabled or disabled for a particular site.
ADRUM_xxxx BlackRock Necessary Session This represents a series of cookies which monitor site performance to ensure appropriate load management.
nnnnn BlackRock Necessary Session This is a session cookie that identifies individual browser session with a randomized string strictly for logging purposes.


BlackRock Necessary 0 days This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.


BlackRock Necessary Session These cookies are set to manage authentication-based instances on our websites e.g. the login option.
oktaStateToken BlackRock Necessary Session This cookie is associated with Okta. It is used to manage user authentication and security. Allowing users to securely login to the website.
BlackRock Necessary 1 year These cookies are essential for the use of our Product Page Screeners.
PHPSESSID BlackRock Necessary Session The cookie is used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on our career site.
StatisticalAnalyticsEnabled BlackRock Necessary 90 days These cookies contain the user's preference on Statistical Analytics
testcookie Ceros Necessary Session Strictly necessary cookie set by
utag_main BlackRock Necessary 1 year Enables BlackRock to use their tag manager solution. Tealium does not collect any data via this cookie but enables third party cookies that are opted in.
verity BlackRock Necessary Session Pre-Authentication Cookie
_GRECAPTCHA Google Necessary 1 year Powered by Google for intake forms on our sites for the purposes of bot checking.

___RequestVerification Token,
LoginRememberMe2828 Necessary 1 year These cookies are used on some of our websites to feed data from MorningStar into our public pages relating to Share/Fund Price Information.

AWSALBCORS Necessary 6 days These cookies enable feedback options on some of our sites for Financial Intermediaries.

__cf_bm Necessary 0 days This is a Cloudflare cookie that is used to detect user clients that are suspected to be bots.
__cfuvid, Necessary Session The _cfuvid cookie is set as part of the Rate Limiting Rule that websites can enable with Cloudflare. When sites allow this option, Cloudflare uses the _cfuvid cookie to distinguish between users from the same IP address.
IGXSessionState Aperio Necessary Session The IGXSessionState cookie is a system cookie to track the user session in the aperio website
Azure Necessary Session These are ambassador ingress load balancing cookies which are aiming to help improve user experience and optimize network and API resource usage.
Auth0 / 4Q Inc. Necessary 1 year Auth0 cookies storing device identifier only used for attack protection and fallback cookies for older browsers on some of our websites.
enactingToken TamTamy Necessary Session This cookie is used to validate requests from browser and to ensure that the request has been done from the expected origin.
wordpress_test_cookie Spider Rock Necessary Session A generic test cookie used by WordPress to determine if the website is allowed to put cookies on the browser. Contains no user information.
c Cision Necessary 6 Months A part of PR Newswire Releases


Preference Cookies

Cookie Name Source Type Retention Purpose


BlackRock Preference 29 days These cookies are used to enhance and personalize the experience you have on the careers website.


Spider Rock Preference 0 days The cookie is used for display conditions. It sets the visitor’s local time on the cookie. This is part of a library we use called Elementor and Happy Addons. These libraries are templating engines to build the web pages.


Statistical Analytics

Cookie Name Source Type Retention Purpose 
StatisticalAnalytics BlackRock Statistical Analytics 3 years Measure the performance of our website and collect aggregate level information on how you use our site, for us to provide you with the best possible digital experience. No user level based behavioural data will be collected as part of this method. If you are visiting a European site, these are only active if you click “Accept all”. On Non-European sites, you may opt out of these separately under “Manage cookies”.


Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Cookies

Cookie Name Source Type Retention Purpose


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 month Adobe Audience Manager -  data management platform uses these cookies to assign a unique ID when users visits a website. 

demdex Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 180 days This cookie helps Adobe Audience Manger perform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc.


Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session This is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It is collecting information about how visitors use the website and assigning IDs to site visitors to allow us to track users across their domains and services and facilitating related segmenting and reporting for different Adobe tools.
TEST_AMCV_COOKIE BlackRock Necessary 2 years The AMCVS cookie serves as a flag indicating that the session has been initialized.


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session Engagement Analytics Cookie
f5avraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_session_ Businesswire Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session This cookie is associated with F5's BIG-IP product set and is an integral part of load balancing. It is used to store the user's session in order to identify it in the application's traffic. (Under clarification)


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years Used for collecting information about how visitors use the website and assigning IDs to site visitors to allow us to track users across their domains and services and facilitating related segmenting and reporting for different Adobe tools.




BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session This cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session Adobe Site Catalyst cookie, stores information about the previous link clicked within the site


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 Years Adobe Site Catalyst cookie, stores information about the previous link clicked within the site
IDE Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year A tag associated with paid search ads in Google search to enable creation of audience lists and retargeting.
test_cookie Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days These cookies are set by YouTube and collect user data through videos embedded in our websites and career sites.
Ceros Analytics Ceros Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 3 months Ceros Analytics
mbox Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years Used for measuring the performance of page content and advertising via Adobe Target to determine which version results in a better user experience.
_pk_idxxxx BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year This cookie name is associated with the Piwik open source web analytics platform. It is used to help website owners track visitor behaviour and measure site performance.
_pk_sesxxxx BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This cookie name is associated with the Piwik open source web analytics platform. It is used to help website owners track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It shows the visitors active session.
s_vi Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years Sets an anonymous visitor ID with date & time stamp to identify unique visitors.
s_pers BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year Stores persistent analytic information, handled by the Adobe Analytics core library. If accepted it is a persistent cookie with 2 years lifetime.
s_sess BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session Stores temporary analytic information, handled by the Adobe Analytics core library. It is a session cookie and will be deleted after closing the browser.
s_sq Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session This cookie contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user via the ClickMap/ Activity functionality.
s_fid BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 5 years This cookie associated with Adobe's Site Catalyst product suite, containing a 'fallback' visitor identifier.
SESSION BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session Event Sign-Up Cookie
sp TCP Capital Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year This cookie is associated with Eventbrite and is used to deliver content tailored to the end user's interests and improve content creation. This cookie is also used for event-booking purposes.


Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year These cookies are associated with the Adobe WebSDK functionality and contain user identifiers


Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days These cookies are associated with the Adobe WebSDK functionality and contain user identifiers


Adobe Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year These cookies are associated with the Adobe WebSDK functionality and contain user identifiers


Pardot Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days The lpv#### cookie is set to keep Pardot from tracking multiple page views on a single asset over a 30-minute session. For example, if a visitor reloads a landing page several times over a 30-minute period, this cookie keeps each reload from being tracked as a page view.


Pardot Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days A session cookie named pardot is set in your browser while you’re logged in as a user or when a visitor accesses a form, landing page, or page with Account Engagement tracking code. The cookie denotes an active session and isn’t used for tracking.
MSPTC Microsoft Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year This cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance
MUID Microsoft Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year A tag associated with a real-time targeting & personalization platform which provides company-targeted display advertising, website engagement & conversion modules for selected client users.

TCP Capital

Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 Year Engagement Analytics Cookie

TCP Capital

Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days Engagement Analytics Cookie



BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 years Used by our Eloqua application to recognise a return visitor as a unique user and to feed data from forms to our internal databases.


Eloqua Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days Used by our Eloqua application to recognise a return visitor as a unique user and to feed data from forms to our internal databases.
QSI_SI_xxx_intercept Qualtrics, Dianomi Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 90 days Used to launch Qualtrics surveys on our sites related to website feedback and to identify repeated user visits.
TAPID Tealium Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This domain is owned by Tealium and is used for its audience streaming service which enables targeting and personalisation of content on a domain.




Google Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 months Used by Google AdWords for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their servicesUsed to attribute commission to affiliates when you arrive at the website from an affiliate referral link. It is set when you click on one of our links and used to let the advertiser and us know the website from which you came.


Google Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year A tag associated with paid search ads in Google search to enable creation of audience lists and retargeting.

Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years These cookies are used to distinguish users from different clients by assigning a randomly generated number on our career site.

(Google Analytics)

Google Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years Google Analytics 4 is used on some of our third party operated non-European sites for analytics and site statistics purposes only.
_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Aperio Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This cookie is set by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report.
_cs_nnnnnnnnnnnnn Content-square Marketing/Tracking/Profiling Session A tag that provides analytics on user experience, activities, time spent, exits and other events relevant for user experience optimization.



tuuid_ lu,



Demand-base Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years A tag associated with a real-time targeting & personalization platform which provides company-targeted display advertising, website engagement & conversion modules for selected client users.


Madison Logic (Xandr) Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This pixel tracks site visitors to align against specific account/company domains in order to target ads to individuals at that domain/company.


LinkedIn Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 2 years These cookies are generated by the LinkedIn Insight tag to allow identification and tracking of users navigating between LinkedIn and our sites.


youtube Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year These cookies are set by YouTube and collect user data through videos embedded in our websites and career sites.


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.


BlackRock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 1 year This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.


Spider Rock Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 0 days This cookie is used to enable user to share pages through third party social networking websites.



Aperio Marketing/Tracking/Profiling 9 years This is a cookie pattern that appends a unique identifier for a website visitor, used for tracking purposes.


Conversational Cookies

Cookie Name Source Type Retention Purpose 


Drift Conversational 2 years Third party cookies associated with the services by the Drift chatbot on some of our sites, to capture session and user preferences in relation to the chat box.