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Ultra Short Bond Funds

Segmenting your cash

We believe that the most effective liquidity strategies select a specific investment solution for each cash segment; Operational Cash, Core Cash and Strategic Cash. This process of segmenting, or laddering, your cash can help to navigate the new liquidity environment and strike the right balance between liquidity needs and potential return.

Core Cash has the ability to seek enhanced returns through its slightly longer investment horizon over operational cash balances that need daily liquidity.

How do Standard Variable Net Asset Value (VNAV) money market funds work?

Standard VNAV money market funds are structurally designed as an incremental step out of prime money market funds, Standard VNAVs offset a degree of liquidity in exchange for potentially enhanced returns, by extending duration and slightly broadening the credit guidelines.

BlackRock ICS Ultra Short Bond Funds (USBF)

The BlackRock ICS Ultra Short Bond Funds (USBF) are managed as part of our ICS Money Market Fund range and are defined by ESMA as Standard VNAV funds. This is a reflection of our safety first approach and in response to demand from clients for a low volatility, enhanced cash plus strategy to enable strategic portioning of cash.

Key features of the BlackRock ICS Ultra Short Bond Funds

BlackRock ICS Ultra Short Bond Funds are offered in Euro, Sterling, and US Dollar currencies and offer these key features:
Credit icon
AAf rated
*AAf rated by Standard and Poor's (S&P) with a S1+ volatility rating and minimum short-term rating of A-2/P-2/F2
Low volatility icon
Low volatility
Seeks to enhance returns through a 3+ month investment horizon with low volatility of principal
Liquidity icon
T+1 access
Managed with high levels of liquidity, offering investors T+1 access

Why BlackRock Cash Management?

Risk Management
Our in house proprietary risk systems help us ensure all risks are appropriately scaled.
Our ability to accommodate investor flows - both large and small - and our access to market is a direct result of our scaled platform.
Our integrated technology helps us create bespoke client solutions and enables ease of access.